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what are the factors that influence growth of inland water ways a answer from cbse or cce book

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Q: What are the factors that influence the growth or development of inland water ways acorrect answer?
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What are the factors that influence growth and development in humans?

There are 8 main factors that influence the growth and development of every human being. These factors include heredity, environment, sex, nutrition, race, exercise, learning and reinforcement, as well as hormones.

Explain factors that influence growth and development of organisms?

genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors are just a few

What are the positive and negative influences on growth and development?

The factors that can influence the growth and development are: income education environment cultures gender relationships with family, friends

Factors that influence growth and development?

In plants, the factors are heredity, nutrition, and environment. In animals, the factors are heredity, nutrition, environment, and exercise.

Factors that influence growth and development in human?

They include environment, races, heredity, learning, sex and nutrition. Growth and development is the process of a human being advancing from childhood to maturity.

What is the two factors that influence the development?

There are 8 main factors that influence the growth and development of every human being. These factors include heredity, environment, sex, nutrition, race, exercise, learning and reinforcement, as well as hormones.

What is physical factor?

The definition of a physical factor is a factor with physical components. In the abiotic environment, physical factors influence organism development and growth.

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Some factors that influence the growth of a language include cultural exchange, technological advancements, migration patterns, globalization, and economic development. These factors can introduce new vocabulary, changes in grammar, and new ways of communicating within a language.

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get a life use a dictonary