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felines fe-lines ok

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Q: What are the family members of the jaguar family called?
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leapord,jaguar,lion,the common house cat,lynx

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What are all the cat family members names?

tigers pumas lions cats panthers jaguar

What do you call a female jaguar?

As you know, a Jaguar is a big cat, part of the family called Felidae. Female cats are called queens. Believe it or not, the female is a jaguaress.

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The members are sulfur,selenium,tellurium,polonium

Name 3 animals other than the jaguar that are members of the big cat family?

the wild cat the cheetah and the leopard

Name three animals other than the jaguar that are members of the big cat family?

* Leopard * Couger * panther * lion

Members that make the pea family are called?

They are called " Legumes"

In what family is the jaguar?

they belong to the family of lions,tigers and bears

What are some family members of a lion?

The tiger, leopard, snow leopard and jaguar are all members of the same genus as the lion, Panthera, and are closely related to the lion.

What are lions related to?

Lions are closely related to the tiger, leopard, snow leopard and jaguar which are all members of the Panthera genus.

What is the jaguar's family tree?

part of the jaguar family are gaylords and bhatti men