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By function/expertise: grouping individuals by those who share similar skills, functions, disciplines, and/or work processes;

  • This type of grouping is common in functional organizations such as new organizations, single major businesses and businesses that share the same technology and markets. All activities are concerned with a particular function are grouped together in a separate divisions.

Advantages of such include:

  • Allows for deep functional expertise and a high level of specialization; cultivates innovation in the function of the division
  • Allows for economies of scope: it becomes easy to transfer resources (info, people, equipment) across activities within functions because they are all group together
  • Allows for the division to create separate incentive and control systems that suit their needs and reinforce their strengths

Disadvantages of such include:

  • Lack of integration across functions/organization
  • Group becomes unresponsive to changes in markets or customer
  • High levels of specialization can and often will lead to narrower perspective
  • Difficult to assess cost and accountability for the overall process and performance of activities that require cross functional work
  • Results in tall hierarchies within organization
  • Lacks broad understanding of the overall business because of specialization
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Q: What are the features of a functional Organization?
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The merits of functional organization include more efficiency, expansion, and separation of physical and mental functions. The demerits of functional organization include conflict confusion, and lack of coordination.

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A functional (traditional) organization is an organization where each employee has only one manager. Most government organizations are government organizations.

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The difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict is that functional serves a purpose in the organization such as the interest and dysfunctional serves no purpose but to threaten the organization.

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line orgnisation depands on level of work while functional is depands on work.

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it is a type of organization where the one who makes the project

What is a functional objective?

In a corporate planning sense, an "objective" is usually a statement of a desired directional change or improvement in some characteristic (usually performance related) of a business/organization or functional area of a business.A functional area of a business/organization is generally a part of the organization that contributes to its overall operations in some characteristic way and is usually represented by a functional unit.A functional unit may or may not contribute directly to the sales/output of the business/organization (for example, accounts, salary payments and personnel services are generally functional areas/units of a business/organization, but they only indirectly contribute to the sales/outputs of the business/organization).A functional objective is an objective to achieve something that is in the area of allocated responsibilities/functions of the functional area/unit. The objective is usually based on the organization's corporate objectives but, depending on the size of the organization, may relate specifically to improving the operations of a functional unit.

What is objective function?

In a corporate planning sense, an "objective" is usually a statement of a desired directional change or improvement in some characteristic (usually performance related) of a business/organization or functional area of a business.A functional area of a business/organization is generally a part of the organization that contributes to its overall operations in some characteristic way and is usually represented by a functional unit.A functional unit may or may not contribute directly to the sales/output of the business/organization (for example, accounts, salary payments and personnel services are generally functional areas/units of a business/organization, but they only indirectly contribute to the sales/outputs of the business/organization).A functional objective is an objective to achieve something that is in the area of allocated responsibilities/functions of the functional area/unit. The objective is usually based on the organization's corporate objectives but, depending on the size of the organization, may relate specifically to improving the operations of a functional unit.

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How is matrix organization appropriate?

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