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Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera. They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphins are social, living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. Individuals communicate using a variety of clicks, whistles and other vocalizations. They make ultrasonic sounds for echolocation. Dolphins will stay with injured or ill individuals, even helping them to breathe by bringing them to the surface if needed. One common feeding method is herding, where a pod squeezes a school of fish into a small volume, known as a bait ball. Individual members then take turns plowing through the ball, feeding on the stunned fish. Dolphins occasionally leap above the water surface, sometimes performing acrobatic figures. Dolphins enjoy riding waves and frequently surf coastal swells and the bow waves of boats, at times "leaping" between the dual bow waves of a moving catamaran. Occasionally, they playfully interact with swimmers. Dolphins are multicellular, heterotroph, eukaryotic. They sleep with one brain awake and the other asleep so when a predator comes they will sense it and escape.
Multicellular, heterotroph, eukaryotic, and they move from place to place.

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11y ago

Dologins are marine mammals. As they are mammals, they are warm-blooded vertebrates which suckle their young on mothers' milk.

Other characteristics TeheranTeheran dolphin include:

  • Fin shape: a dolphin's tail goes up and down to help it dive up to get air (compared to a fish's back fin which moves side to side). The shape of their fins also helps to propel them through the water.
  • To help dolphins save oxygen while they dive underwater, their heart beats slower during a dive and their blood is diverted from other parts of the body to their heart, lungs, and brain. Dolphins also save oxygen via their muscles, which have a protein called myoglobin, which in turn stores oxygen.
  • Dolphins have blubber, or fat, which provides insulation, helping the dolphin stay warm in cold water. Blubber also serves another function, streamlining the body for better speed in the water.
  • Dolphins have a body covering of skin (not scales). The uppermost layer of the skin produces an oil which forms a film that covers the dolphin's whole body.
  • Being mammals, dolphins breathe with lungs rather than gills, so they breathe from a blowhole which closes before the dolphin goes into the water, so water will not enter the blowhole.
  • The long nose helps the dolphin to kill sharks.
  • Dolphins have teeth, which they use to catch fish.
  • Dolphins have large brains in relation to the size of their bodies, and studies show they have exceptional intelligence.
  • Dolphins work together to find food, often "herding" school of small fish up onto reefs and sandbars. The dolphins then work together, taking turns to feed while the other dolphins keep the fish herded.
  • Dolphins have well developed echolocation, by which they locate other animals and objects in the water. It is also how they communicate with each other.
  • Dolphins have between 45 and 63 small, sharp teeth, which enable them to tear food into smaller pieces.
  • Dolphins sleep with just part of their brain, so that the other part remains constantly on alert for danger.
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11y ago

Well, dolphins are playful really. They can hear 10 time better than the normal human adult ear. They can also eat 30 pounds of fish per day and are closely related to whales and porpoises. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallower seas. They mostly eat fish and squid. This conclusion comes with another answer. Dolphins are warm-blooded.

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12y ago

Bottlenose dolphins have two flippers and a tail. They are different than other dolphins because they have a pointy snout that makes them look like they are smiling. Dolphins have a blowhole at the top of their heads that they use to breathe. They have upper and lower jaws that have 20-26 pairs of small teeth. Dolphins have a dorsal fin which keeps them steady while they are swimming and two tail flukes for moving up and down.

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12y ago

Dolphins have echolocation like bats.

Dolphins, along with humans, receive pleasure from intercourse. They look like a banana!!

More facts:After extensive behavioral research, scientists discovered that the Dolphin is the only known creature to instinctively recognise its own reflection in a mirror.

It was also found that Dolphins are among a very small, select group of species (including some species of great ape) that kill other animals for sport, I.E not for food or territory. This was discovered when large numbers of Porpoise cadavers washed up on both sides of the Atlantic. It was ascertained that they were killed by dolphins ramming into them from below, breaking their ribs. There is no hierachy of predation between Dolphins and Porpoise, and no explanation could be found for this behaviour.

It is said that Dolphins will instinctively come to the aid of an overcome swimmer or diver. There are several documented accounts of this happening, although the reason behind it is unknown and may be a simple matter of curiosity or playfulness.

The good side is that they have supper hearing,can save some one,and are are very playful

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11y ago

The special characteristic of a dolphin is the dolphin or dolphins know the weakness of shark. Known as their worst predator! If a shark and a dolphin were to get into a territorial diagrement or a fight then the dolphin would definitly win by using it's nose to puncture the gills of the shark or use it's nose to jab the eyes to make them not be able to see the dolphin! There for the shark will swim away or die possibly and the dolphin would win!

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12y ago

Their teeth are cone shaped. They usually have 44 teeth on the bottom and the top. They have long spines. Blubber protects their inner layer of skin.

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4y ago

the sounds

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Does a dolphin have any special features that makes it different from most animals?

yes yes

What are some special features for a river dolphin?

some are pink, others are blind, and still others have long thin snouts.

What is the size of a dolphin the dolphin is about 30 lb?

no a dolphin is about 150lbs but depends if you have a baby dolphin or a adolt dolphin and there is your dolphin anser bey

What are the names of 5 different types of dolphin?

I'll give you the 32 types the Bottlenose dolphin, the Killer Whale, the Common dolphin, the False Killer Whale, the Hector's dolphin, the Short-Finned Pilot Whale, the Commerson's dolphin, the Long-Finned Pilot Whale, the Black dolphin, the Atlantic Humpbacked dolphin, the Haeviside's dolphin, the Indo-Pacific Humpbacked dolphin, the Southern Right Whale dolphin, the Tucuxi, the Northern Right dolphin, the Pygmy Killer Whale, the Spotted dolphin, the Melon-Headed Whale, the Atlantic Spotted dolphin, the Irrawaddy dolphin, the Striped dolphin, the Rough-Toothed dolphin, the Spinner dolphin, the Risso's dolphin, the Clymene dolphin, the Fraser's dolphin, the White-Beaked dolphin, the Peale's dolphin, the Atlantic White-Sided dolphin, the Hourglass dolphin, the Pacific White-Sided dolphin and the Dusky dolphin.

What are some dolphin breeds?

Normal ocean going dolphins: Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin Chilean Dolphin Clymene Dolphin Commerson's Dolphin Dusky Dolphin Fraser's Dolphin Heaviside's Dolphin Hector's Dolphin Hourglass Dolphin Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin Irrawaddy Dolphin Long-Beaked Common Dolphin Northern Rightwhale Dolphin Pacific White-Sided Dolphin Pantropical Spotted Dolphin Peale's Dolphin Risso's Dolphin Rough-Toothed Dolphin Short-Beaked Common Dolphin Southern Rightwhale Dolphin Spinner Dolphin Striped Dolphin Tucuxi White-Beaked Dolphin River or fresh water dolphins: Baiji- Chinese river dolphin Boto- Amazon river dolphin Franciscana- La plata river dolphin Ganges River Dolphin Indus River Dolphin Dolphins that are also called whales: Orca- Killer whale False Killer Whale Pygmy Killer Whale Melon-Headed Whale Long-Finned Pilot Whale Short-Finned Pilot Whale

How many tipes of dolphins are there?

Atlantic Hump-Backed Dolphin Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Atlantic White Sided Dolphin Black Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin Clymene Dolphin Commersome's Dolphin Dusky Dolphin False Killer Whale Frasier's Dolphin Heaviside's Dolphin Hector's Dolphin Hourglass Dolphin Indo-Pacific Hump-back Irrawaddy Dolphin Long-finned Pilot Whale Long-Beaked Common Dolphin Long-Snouted Spotted Dolphin Melon Headed Dolphin Northern Right-Whale Dolphin Orcas (Killer Whale) Pantropical Dolphin Pacific-White Sided Dolphin Peale's Dolphin Pygmy Killer Whale Risso's Dolphin Rough Toothed Dolphin Short Finned Pilot Whale Short Beaked Common Dolphin Southern Right Whale Dolphin Striped Dolphin White Beaked Dolphin

What special features does a piranha have?

sharp teeth that can rip flesh clean off a bone.a school of piranha can completely dismantle an Amazon dolphin in seconds.

Does a female dolphin need a male dolphin to get a baby dolphin?

Yes, a female dolphin cannot sexually reproduce and have a baby dolphin without the male dolphin.