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In our Solar System, the closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, and the furthest is Neptune.

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Q: What are the first and last planets?
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What are the first and last planets orbiting the sun?

Ceres and Eris

What are the first to last planets from the sun?

MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneAnd if Pluto can be included as a planet, it comes 9th.

Is Mercury a giant or a rocky terrestrial?

Mercury is a rocky planet. The inner planets (first four planets from the sun) are rocky planets (which means that you could stand on them) and are the smallest. While the outer planets (last four planets from the sun) are gas planets and the biggest.

Is mercury a gas or a rocky terrestrial?

Mercury is a rocky planet. The inner planets (first four planets from the sun) are rocky planets (which means that you could stand on them) and are the smallest. While the outer planets (last four planets from the sun) are gas planets and the biggest.

Is the 10nth planet a gas planet?

there are 8 planets. The first four are `rocky` terrestrial planets, including the Earth, and the last four are gas giants.

What are the last 5 planets called altogether?

Outer planets

How do the planets in the two groups different?

The first 4 planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are called rock planets, and the last 4, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are the gas planets. The main differences between these two groups are that the rock planets are made of rock, the gas planets are made of gas, the rock planets are typically smaller than the gas planets, and the gas planets have rings.

Closets planet to the sun?

The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. The order of planets is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Planets after Mars are much farther away from the sun then the Mars and the closer planets. The first four planets are called the inner planets. The last four are called the outer planets.

What do all the outer planets have common?

They have in common is that they are the last planets in the solar system

When will earth last day came?

In milliions of years the sun will expand and will engulf the first few planets - including Earth.

Is Jupiter gaseous planet or terrestrial planet?

Jupiter is the first of the gaseous (Jovian) planets and Mars is the last terrestrial one.

Are the first four planets the rocky planets?
