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A α alpha

B β beta

Γ γ gamma

Δ δ delta

Ε ε epsilon

Ζ ζ zeta

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Q: What are the first six letters of the Greek alphabet?
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Hello how many letters are in the alphabet?

Twenty-six (26)

How can you create your own language?

In order to start a language of one's own, one must first use the alphabet to create different sounds and meanings for the twenty-six letters then continue from there In order to start a language of one's own, one must first use the alphabet to create different sounds and meanings for the twenty-six letters then continue from there

Why does the English alphabet only have 26 letters?

the reason this is because the English language came from England and England had 26 letters. English is an amalgam of several languages, Latin and German among them. Most of the 26 letters came from Latin but some, such as J and K, came from other languages.

How many letters are there in the French alphabet?

There are 26 letters in the French alphabet, the same number as in the English alphabet. The French alphabet uses the same Latin script as English, with additional accent marks on some letters such as é, è, à, and ç.

How many letters are in the American alphabet?

There are 26/twenty-six letters in the American alphabet. These are the letters.The letters are as followed: Capital: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Lower: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz These are the letters for the American alphabet.

What are the last six letters in the alphabet?

The last six letters in the alphabet are U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.

What is the sentences that has all the letters of the alphabet in it?

A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats.

The greek goddess that has six letters in her name?
