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Q: What are the first three factors a coder must consider when coding a patient?
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The first three factors a coder must consider when coding are patient?

Place of service, type of service, patient status

What is the purpose a of certified medical coder?

The purpose of a Certified Medical Coder is to retrieve and assign accurate coding on medical claims to generate claims for payment. Claims are then submitted to the patient or CMS or the commercial payer.

What is assumption coding?

Assumption coding - reporting items or services that are not actually documented, but the coder assumes they were performed

What is involved in medical coding billing?

Medical coding is the first step in medical billing. The doctors will put the practices performed on a sheet in code. A medical coder will translate that code so that the appropriate person, the patient or insurance company, may be billed.

When might a coder need to use the coding manuals over the encoder software?

I don’t know

What is the difference between billing and billing coding?

In coding you take the patient medical record that has been transcribed by a medical transcriptionist and then the coder applies alphanumeric codes to the diagnosis, procedures, and supplies according to the corresponding reference manuals. Then, that coded record, goes to the biller to be billed to an insurance company for payment.

What is the process of medical coding?

There are three different types of coding systems, ICD-10, CPT and HCPCS. Persons performing medical coding must attend courses to learn the coding systems and how to assign codes to various medical services. The coder then receives the patient's chart and assigns codes to procedures, medications and all services performed for billing purposes. Insurance claims and billing values are calculated based on these codes.

Where do I go for coding certification?

I suppose you are a medical coder and for approved coding certificate programs you should visit some of the best internet sites for example: or

What would one attend medical coding school for?

If one wanted to work with medical coding, it would probably be a good idea to attend the school. The coder is the one to see to that the appropriate coding is assigned on the claims.

What is the diffrance between source coder and channel coder?

actually the channel coding is used for the security of transmission of any digital data. and it also determines the appropriate channel for the tranmission of your message on internet

What can I do with a medical coding degree?

Coding is used in the medical world in order to transform narrative descriptions of diseases or injuries into alphanumerical codes that designate specific ways of dealing with the medical condition a patient is facing. The medical coder will work behind the scenes and help medical institutions get reimbursed from insurance companies for services and facilities provided to patients.

What does a medical billing and coder do?

Medical billing is the process of getting a health care professional or facility paid for their services. This is both payment from the insurance carrier and the patient. A medical coder analyzes a patient chart and assigns the appropriate diagnosis code (ICD) and treatment (CPT) code with related modifiers. The medical coder typically interprets the providers notes to accurately assign the proper codes. Medical billing and coding is one of the fastest growing careers in the medical records and healthcare information management field, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. And with salaries hovering around the $32,350 mark, being a medical biller and/or coder is indeed a good career choice.