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extreme risk/fear

fog of war

discomfort and fatigue


and boredom

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Q: What are the five stresses of combat?
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What can be said are the five types of combat stresses?

Many military psychologists believe that there are five types of stress factors involved in combat. They are:1. physical; 2. cognitive; 3. emotional; 4. social; and 5. spiritual.

What are the five occupational hygiene stresses?

Stresses encountered under the heading of occupational hygiene can include:heatcoldnoiseintense lightchemicalsvibrationionising radationnon-ionizing radiation

What is combat neurosis?

battle fatigue a term used to denote psychiatric illness consequent to the stresses of battle. Syn: shell shock, postraumatic stress disorder

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Combat - 1962 The Chapel at Able-Five 5-5 was released on: USA: 11 October 1966

Who started the combat in the battle at thermopylae?

Five thousand Persian archers.

What is another term for battle fatigue?

a term used to denote psychiatric illness consequent to the stresses of battle. Syn: shell shock, postraumatic stress, combat neurosis.

Are all of the weapons in Block Ops unlocked for combat training?

there are only a five wepons unlocked on combat traning(mp5k,m16,hk21,and one sniper

How do you get to combat training on blackops?

just go to multiplayer and choose xbox live. there will be five options player match private match wager match COMBAT TRAINING theater mode select combat training. have fun

How do you spell the plural of stress?

The plural of "stress" is "stresses."

What are the stresses on bridges?

There are a number of stresses inflicted upon bridges. Some of these stresses include compression, tension, as well as bending.

What kind of stresses are produced in a beam during transverse vibration?

If you load it normal to the beam axis you get bending stresses ( tension and compression) and shear stresses. If you load it along the axis you get axial stress ( tension or compression)

What are stresses called that tend to press a body of rocks together?

Compressive stresses. These stresses can lead to the folding and faulting of rocks as they are squeezed together.