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skeletal and cardiac muscle are striated

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Q: What are the following types of muscles are striated?
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What types of muscles are striated striped muscles skeletal muscles smooth muscles or involuntary muscles?

Skeletal muscles.

What is the body's muscular system and what three types of muscles does it include?

The three types of muscles are skeletal (striated, voluntary; e.g., biceps brachii), cardiac (striated, involuntary; i.e., myocardium), and smooth muscles (smooth, involuntary; e.g., gut).

What are the two types of muscle s?

There are smooth and striated muscles. Smooth muscles are involuntary and striated are voluntary. Cardiac muscles (the one that makes up the human heart) can also be considered its own category.

Are skeletal muscles striated?

They are striated because striated means kind of stripey and the muscles has stripes of muscle itself.

Which type of mucsle is referred to striated?

Your voluntary muscles are referred as striated muscles.

Describes muscles that are stripped in appearance?

Skeletal muscles are striated which look "striped". The best example of striated muscles is in your thighs. By comparison, your heart is smooth muscle.

Are all striated muscles voluntary?

No, cardiac muscle is striated but involuntary.

Most of your muscles are striated skeletal muscles but you also have smooth muscles Which of these organs has a third type a striated kind?


What muscle cell types have the following features striated and voluntary?

skeletal muscle

The esophagus contains both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers?

The esophagus has two types of muscles. The upper third of the esophagus is composed of striated muscles, while the lower third contain smooth muscles. The muscles in the middle are a mixture of both striated and smooth.

What is the simple subject of skeletal muscles are striated or striped?


What kind of muscles are triceps and biceps?

The biceps and triceps muscles are examples of skeletal or striated muscle.