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The Lords Supper and Baptism

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Q: What are the foods and rituals of Christianity?
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What foods are forbidden by Christianity?

No foods are officially forbidden by Christianity.

What are the lawful and unlawful foods in Christianity?

Christianity does not have any rules about what you can or can not eat.

What religion does not eat kosher foods?

Christianity does not require kosher foods.

What are the rituals of Legalism?

Legalism in ancient China emphasized strict adherence to laws and regulations enforced by a strong central government. Rituals associated with Legalism focused on promoting obedience, societal order, and loyalty to the state through elaborate ceremonies and strict enforcement of laws, with an emphasis on punishment for those who disobeyed. Legalist rituals were designed to instill fear and loyalty in the population, reinforcing the authority of the ruler and maintaining social control.

What were the important rituals in Christianity during the high middle ages?

pray five times a day correct answer

Why are pagan rituals so looked down on?

Because many pagan rituals are considered barbaric by people follow more contemporary religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism.

Sufism borrows religious beliefs and rituals from what religion?

Most of Sufis' religious beliefs and rituals come from orthodox Islam, but some also come from Gnostic Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism.

What practices of the Hessians conflicted with Boniface's understanding of Christianity?

The Hessians practiced pagan rituals and customs that conflicted with Boniface's teachings of Christianity. They worshipped trees and sacred groves, which Boniface saw as idolatry. He worked to convert the Hessians to Christianity and eradicate these pagan practices.

What do Christianity have to say on the issue of eating meat?

Eat whatever foods you want.

Do you believe that christians have made Christianity sounds satantity?

it's really hard to answer this without any details explaining why you have this thought for comparison and contrast. If you mean the rituals and practices, I wouldn't really agree right off the bat because every religion has a set of followed practices and rituals so saying only Christianity is comparable to satanism is a little quick.

Why is protestant one main belief of Christianity?

Protestantism is a sect (denomination) of Christianity that tries to demphasize the rituals that the Catholic denomination emphasizes. Keep in mind, this is not unorthodox; Protestant churches are just more simple than Catholic churches.

What are the important days in Confucianism?

The "religion" Confucianism does not have special days like Christianity (Christmas). Confucianism places big importance on rituals. These rituals can take place on any day of the year and they honour ancestors deaths to deceased loved ones. So in the cofucianism religion special days (rituals) may occur when ever a family sees it is necessary.