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Q: What are the four Galilean Satellites and what planet do the orbit?
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Are there planets with galilean moons?

Only Jupiter, the Galilean moons are the four largest moons of Jupiter which Galileo discovered.The four satellites discovered by Galileo orbit Jupiter.

Is Ganymede a planet?

Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter. It is the largest of the four Galilean satellites first observed and noted by Galileo. The other three are Io, Europa, and Callisto.Ganymede is not a planet.

What planet is the moon ganymede in?

Ganymede orbits the planet Jupiter. It is the largest of the four Galilean satellites first observed and noted by Galileo. The other three are Io, Europa, and Callisto.

What are the 4 Galilean moons from largest to smallest?

Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are the four satellites that orbit Jupiter.

Which planet has four galilean moons?


What are the major satellites in our solar system?

The Earth's Moon, Jupiter's four "Galilean" satellites, Saturn's "Titan", and Neptune's "Triton".

Is Europa a planet?

No. Europa is one of the four "Galilean" moons of Jupiter.

Which planet has a moon named Europa and named after Galileo?

The Galilean moons were named after their discoverer, Galileo Galilei. The moons (plural) that he found are the four largest satellites of Jupiter, Io, Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa.

Does juipiter have any satillites?

Jupiter actually has many satellites. As of February 2004, Jupiter had a confirmed number of 63 satellites, ranging from the largest four, the Galilean moons, Ganymede, Io, Callisto, and Europa. 53-55 of Jupiter's satellites are tiny and unimportant, small space objects caught in the planet's gravity

Which planet has four largest satellites?


Does planet Pluto have a satellite?

No, it is not true that Pluto has 7 satellites. Pluto actually has five known satellites which are Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra.

Who discovered four satellites orbiting Jupiter?

Jupiter's four largest moons are called (from closest to furthest); Io (pronounced 'eye-oh'), Europa, Ganymede (the largest, and the largest moon in our solar system) and Callisto. These are also known as the Galilean satellites.