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Q: What are the four forms of moving water?
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The water is Moving

What is loop of moving air that forms in both air and water?

air masses

How does moving water form a valley?

Moving water forms a valley be eroding the soil underneath it. As the water moves across the soil it takes some with it, this can form a valley over millions of years.

What are the four major water forms?


What landform is caused when a fast moving river meets a body of water?

It forms a delta by sedimentation of debris brought by the river stream.

Which transition represents a time when water molecules are moving closer together?

Frost forms on a window pane.

Why can moving water be used to produce electricity?

To make electricity we have to turn a coil of wire inside a magnet. Moving water is one way to push the coil.

How does moving water form waves in water?

As it slides over the water surface film, air makes it move. As the water moves, it forms eddies and small ripples. Then waves are formed from these ripples

What are four kinds of water particles that fall from the sky?

there are 4 different forms of water solid (ice) liquid (water) gas (water vapor) and crystal (snow)

What are four causes the weather?

Water-Precpitation, Run-off, Collection; Expanding Ice; Wind/Abrasion; Gravity are the four main forms of weathering.

What are four agents of erosion?

There are four main agents of erosion including wind. Other forms of erosion include water, ice, and variations in temperature.

The form water takes depends upon the amount of in it?

Water comes in four forms filtered,clean,salty,and dirty.