

What are the four inner planets made out off?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Rock. Their basic structure is probably similar to that of the Earth.

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Q: What are the four inner planets made out off?
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What are outer planets made off?

I think you mean of? Anyways if so, they are made up of gases. Only the outer planets are able to have gases because its cool enough there. Inner planets get more sun so its too warm for gas planets in the inner part. Hope this helped.

Which planets can you not jump at all?

You can't jump off the surface of any of the gas planets because there is no real surface to jump off. As long as you remember to take a life support system, you can jump off the surface of any of the four inner, rocky, terrestrial planets.

Why are the inner planets made of heavy materials?

The Inner Planets dense and rocky because they are close enough to the sun that the heat has driven off the free hydrogen and helium which forms most of the Gas Giant planets (and most of the universe). Only the heavier elements remain.

What is the four planets close the earth?

the plant that is four planets away from earth is the sun. many peopl think the sun is a star but actually it is a planet made off fire

Why outer planets rotates faster than inner planets?

They don't... An inner planet such as Mercury has an orbital speed of 107,00 MPH when compared to the outer most "planet" Pluto which rotates at 10,500 MPH. The gravitational restraints of the sun is greater on the inner planets than the outer allowing them to rotate faster without flying off into space. It's simple physics, the concepts of Centrifugal Force.

Why does the composition of the giant gas planets differ from that of rocky inner planets?

Early in the history of the solar system the heat and solar wind from the sun drove off most of the hydrogen, helium, and other volatile from the inner solar system, leaving behind objects made mostly of rock and metal. The gas giants in the outer solar system were far enough from the sun to escape this fate.

Asteroids are rocks left over from when the solar system was formed as the planets and moons do they?

yes they are. when the planets were first made, they crashed together and the astroids broke off the planets

Do inner planets orbit the sun at higher speeds than outer planets?

They don't... An inner planet such as Mercury has an orbital speed of 107,00 MPH when compared to the outer most "planet" Pluto which rotates at 10,500 MPH. The gravitational restraints of the sun is greater on the inner planets than the outer allowing them to rotate faster without flying off into space. It's simple physics, the concepts of Centrifugal Force.

Why the inner planets are all terrestrial?

It is my understanding that, due to their close proximity to the Sun, and the corresponding higher temperatures, lighter gases (mainly hydrogen and helium) evaporated off into space.

How did Neptune get made?

Neptune was made from an exploding nebula far off in space , in which all of the other planets , including the sun , was formed.

What dense center of earth is made of solid iron and nickel?

There are two parts to core at the center of the Earth.the outer core is made of liquid iron and nickel and the inner core is made of solid iron and nickel.The inner core is solid from all off the pressure pushing down on it.

What gasses are the outer planets made off?

In the solar system we have 4 rocky planets and 4 gas giants. The gas giants consist of mainly CO2 and SO2