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Q: What are the four levels of the savanna ecosystem?
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What are the four levels of organization in the ecosystem?

species, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere.

What is the ecosystem in lion king?

The overall ecosystem in The Lion King is the savanna grassland.

Which is an abiotic factor in an African savanna ecosystem?

Seasonal rainfall is an abiotic factor in the African savanna

What all is in the savanna?

The type of grassland ecosystem that is known for its trees and open canopy is called the savanna. There are several things found in this ecosystem, including: Prickly Acacia, Rubbervine, and Latana.

Is fungi a decomposer in the savanna?

yes, if they exist in the ecosystem, they are the decomposers

What eats the trees in the savanna?

A savanna is a grassland ecosystem in which the trees do not grow close enough to create a closed canopy. The Serengeti is a savanna in Africa; giraffes eat the leaves off of the trees in the Serengeti.

What is palm savanna?

I beleive a palm savanna is an open, grassland-type, ecosystem where there are many scattered palm trees. For example, a Bismarckia palm savanna is found in Madagascar.

What are facts about the savanna ecosystem?

daa fuqq man, i dont know.

Is it savannah or savanna?

Savanna and Savannah are the same both being grassland ecosystems with evenly spread out trees

What are the levels of organization within an ecosystem?

The levels of organizatio n within an ecosystem are: Organisms-----Population----- Community-----Ecosystem-----Biomes.

What can you conclude about a ecosystem with many trophic levels?

it is a stable ecosystem

What are the levels of organisms of an ecosytem?

The levels of organizatio n within an ecosystem are: Organisms-----Population----- Community-----Ecosystem-----Biomes.