

What are the freshwater ecosystem?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Freshwater ecosystems are a subset of Earth's aquatic ecosystems. They include lakes and ponds, rivers, streams, springs, and wetlands. They can be contrasted with marine ecosystems, which have a larger salt content.

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Q: What are the freshwater ecosystem?
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A freshwater ecosystem is where animals for freshwater and animals who swim or live by freshwater live. For example: animals such as crocodiles, freshwater fish, turtles, or frogs, live in a freshwater ecosystems. I just named some from North West Florida's main freshwater ecosystem.

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Aquatic ecosystem can be divided into?

Aquatic ecosystems can be divided into two main categories: marine ecosystems, which occur in saltwater environments such as oceans and seas, and freshwater ecosystems, which occur in non-salty bodies of water like lakes, rivers, and ponds. These ecosystems support a wide range of plant and animal life and are interconnected through various physical and biological processes.

What are the main type of freshwater ecosystem?

Very small proportion of earths area that is only 0.8 percent of the earths surface is covered by them. Primary production in a freshwater ecosystem is controlled by light and nutrient availability. Fresh water can be defined as the water that contains a relatively small amount of dissolved chemical compound. and An aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem located in water bodies .the two main types of aquatic ecosystems are freshwater ecosystem and marine ecosystem . freshwater ecosystem: -freshwater is defined as having a low salt concentration --usually less than

The different type of ecoysystem?

Terrestrial ecosystems,The Forest Ecosystem,The Desert Ecosystem ,The Grassland Ecosystem,The Mountain Ecosystem,Aquatic Ecosystems,The Marine Ecosystem and The Freshwater Ecosystem

What is some freshwater ecosystem animals?

Frogs, alligators, fish, turtles, and otters are just some of the many animals in a freshwater ecosystem.