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Q: What are the function of orange or red colored bodies in tomato cell?
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Will anapple orange or a tomato decompose the fastest?


What is the difference between a tomato and an orange?

Tomatoes are red whereas oranges are orange. Their respective structure and taste differ too.

Is yellow tomato rich in antioxidants than orange tomato?

No they are the same.

What decompose the fastest an orange an apple or an tomato?

at room temp. tomato

What is Function of tomato to the plant?

The tomato is the fruit of the tomato plant and carries to seed.

What is the function of tomato pulp?

it is what thelpes the tomato stay helathy

What function might the cells of the tomato pulp provide?

I believe your question is what is the specific function of the tomato cell, and the answer would be that like skin cells, tomato cells provide a boudary that protect the fruit inside. This is the skin of the tomato of course.

What fruit rots faster an apple a orange a or tomato?

A tomato for sure just give it a second

What furit did the annoying orange annoy third?


Which of these is not a fruit apple tomato orange potato?


What is 4 plus 4 plus banana plus orange plus tomato plus 2 equals?

That would depend on your value assigned for banana, orange and tomato.

What is the difference between an apple orange or tomato?

The Color of Orange is Orange but apple's color is not apple and same goes for TomatoAnswer:Apples are pomes, The tomato and orange are berriesApples and oranges are considered to be fruit, the tomato (although really fruit ) is considered to be a vegetable in most usesApples and Oranges grow on tree, tomatoes on vinesOnly tomato seeds have to be fermented before being grownApples make better pies than oranges or tomatoes