

What are the functions of a microscopes diaphragm?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The diaphragm of a microscope focuses the light into the eye piece to create optimum viewing of the specimen.

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Q: What are the functions of a microscopes diaphragm?
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Where is the diaphragm on your microscope located?

On most basic microscopes, the diaphragm is located on top of the light source between the light bulb and the stage. On more advanced microscopes, the diaphragm will be between the optic and the light source, although the specific location may vary.

What are a microscopes functions?

to be able to magnify things

What is the use of diaphragm of microscope?

The diaphragm on a microscope is there so one can adjust the amount and intensity of light that gets projected up into the slide. The diaphragm is a rotating disk located under the stage. Not all microscopes have one.

What is the uses of diaphragm in microscope?

The diaphragm on a microscope is there so one can adjust the amount and intensity of light that gets projected up into the slide. The diaphragm is a rotating disk located under the stage. Not all microscopes have one.

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What can you infer the functions of the diaphragm of microscope?

The role of diaphragm is to vary the amount of light passing through the aperture.

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The diaphragm belongs to the respiratory system in a pig. The diaphragm performs its functions by expanding and contracting to regulate the air in the lungs.

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Where is the iris diaphragm on a microscope?

This iris diaphragm of a microscope contains the amount of light that can enter through to the specimen. If the condenser iris diaphragm is open, the image will be bright; if it is closed, it will be dim.

What are the functions of the iris diaphragm on a microscope?

gather light, control angle of illumination

What can you infer to the function of the diaphragm?

The functions of the thoracic diaphragm are:Contraction during breathingExpansion of the thoracic cavityExpulsion of vomit, feces, and urine from the body by increasing intra-abdominal pressurePrevention of acid reflux