

What are the functions of all keys on a computer keyboard?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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there is no "all" key on the keyboard

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Q: What are the functions of all keys on a computer keyboard?
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What are the parts of a keyboard?

They keyboard has many different functions that provide an easier way to use the computer without a mouse if necessary. The different parts of the keyboard include the function keys, navigation keys, numeric keypad, special keys, typewriter keyboard and the escape key.

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to pol

A typical notebook computer usually has about how many keys?

Well since you asked this question you must of used the keys on your laptop/computer! So you must of had the sense to count them...Total Keys = 84, but it depends on what computer you have....

What is the part of computer keyboard?

Computer keyboards many keys. All the different key are part of the following categories: 1. Control keys (like Ctrl & Alt) 2. Typing keys ( A to Z and .,?!£* etc) 3. Function keys (F1 to F12) 4. Numeric keypad (the number keypad on the far right)

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Well first of all get yourself cardboard as big as a keyboard. Then just draw in the letters and numbers and arrow keys. Now you have a keyboard made of cardboarD!

How many function keys does the enhanced keyboard have?

there are 12 basic function keys in a standard keyboard

All of the keys on my keyboard are mixed up how can i fix this?

Get another keyboard.

What are visible character keys on the keyboard?

Those are all the keys on the keyboard, since they are all visible. That includes numbers, letters, and all other random signs.

What is an easy way to remember the keys on a keyboard?

all you have to do is tag the keys

What is the function of a keyboard?

The main function of a keyboard is to basically type in comands telling the computer what to do.Also used for typing.That in its self is the main reasonkeyboard is a system for comprise data or information.

Can you hook up an Apple keyboard to a PC?

Basically, Yes. Apple keyboards are USB keyboards, and all basic functions will work just fine on a PC, with some limitations: the hardware control functions (volume control, brightness control, media control buttons, etc.) will not work, and the modifier keys are marked differently than those on a Windows computer (for example, the [option] key on a Mac keyboard is where the [Windows] key would be on a PC keyboard).

I wanted to know the fuctions of the different keys on the keyboard?

It all depends on which keys you are talking about.