

What are the gas giant planets named after?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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the gas planets are named after the greek gods and goddesses like Aries

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Q: What are the gas giant planets named after?
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Why are planets named gas giants?

Because they are mostly made out of gas and they are big or giant

How the sizes of the inner planets compare to the sizes of the gas giant planets?

The inner planets are smaller than the gas giant (outer) planets.

Is Jupiter a giant gas or a terrestrial planet?

Jupiter is one of the four gas giant planets, the outer planets.

Which planet is the smallest of the gas giant planets?

Of the Jovian (gas giant) planets, Neptune is the smallest while Jupiter is the largest.

How may gas giant planets are there?

There are four gas giant planets in the Solar System and they are; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

What are the orbits of the gas giant planets?

They are the path taken by the gas giant planets (that is Jupiter and Saturn) as they go round the Sun.

Why are were the jovian planets given this name?

"Jovian" planets are named after our Solar System's premiere gas giant, Jupiter. "Jove" is another name for the old Roman god "Jupiter" after which the planet was named.

What are the giant planets composed of?

Gas and Liquid Gas.

How are gas giant planets and terrestrial planets similar?

They are are not similar.

What is earth a terrestrial planet or a gas giant?

A terrestrial planet, Gas giant planets are made of gas....

What are the gas giant substances?

The gas giant planets are composed mostly of hydrogen, methane, and ammonia.

The largest of the Gas Giant planets is?
