

What are the gbs for iPod Touches?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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iPod Touches come in 8GB, 32GB and 64GB.

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Q: What are the gbs for iPod Touches?
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Do all iPod Touches take video?

No. Only iPod touches 4th generation and above can record video, as these are the only iPod touches with cameras.

How do you get more GBs on a iPod tough?

you get a memory extension? or a new phone? :)

Are iPod touches breaking?

There hasn't been a rise of reported iPod Touches that broke on their own. iPod Touches do have the ability to break, but the construction is pretty sturdy to where it is not often the iPod Touch completely breaks. Although iPod Touches do break, it is not likely they will break on their own.

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What colors do ipod touches have?

the ipod touches mostly have black i havent seen anyother colors

Do white iPod touches come with screen protectors when new?

no ipod touches do, you buy your own

Is there limit of pages on your ipod touch?

No there isn't until you have finished all your gbs

How much does a iPad 64gb cost And is it the best out there?

Well that one costs up to $600 and as for if its the best out there, no, all iPods have the same quality as they are produced by the same company. What differs from each iPod is the model and the GBs on it since they range from 8 GBs up to 64 GBs which is the largest capacity found on an iPod.

Do WiFi antennas work for ipod touches?

Most Wi-Fi routers work with iPod Touches.

Is there going to be a generation 3 of ipod touches?

There is already a 3rd generation of iPod Touches on the market today.