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fish lips and pongy pirate

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Q: What are the glumps names?
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Related questions

How do you get glumps on moshi monster?

You Cant really get Glumps you just get glump wallpaper but their is glumps in missions.

Is Dr StrangeGlove a monster or some glumps?

he is a bunch of glumps

How do you get the glumps wallpaper?

the secret code to get glumps walpaper is ADVENTURE

What series are glumps in from moshi monsters?

Glumps are not Moshlings, so they are not part of any moshling series or set.

How do you get glumps wallpaper on moshi monsters?

a secret code

Who are moshi monster enemies?

dr. strangeglove and his glumps.

Where do baby glumps come from?

Baby glumps come from a magical place called "Glumper world" its another planet that scientist could never find. They originate from female glumps stomach who fall in love. If you own a baby glump, suggests you should ask this question "how do you care for a baby glump?"

How do you play moshling boshling?

It's like angry birds, you just bring back the moshling on the slingshot and release it and it has to destroy as many glumps as possible. When you kill them all you also need to get the cupcakes if you still have a few moshlings left. If you have killed all of the glumps and collected all of the cupcakes then you completed the level and don't have to go back to it OR You can just kill all the glumps.

Who is the boss of clonc?

3 glumps standing on each other with sticks is the boss

What are all the moshi monsters glumps called?

there isFreak FaceNedRockoBlack JackFabioSquiffSplodgeMustachioPirate PongPodgeBruiserBloopyGloopy

Which monsters are the grouchiest slouchiest hairballs in all of monstro city?

The glumps who are members of C.L.O.N.C.

Why does the smoke in the moshi volcano turn purple?

because elder furi is sick he has the glumps