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An earthquake can be good because in a destructive plate boundary an earthquake occurs and on the borderlines of the earthquake volcanoes will form and when these volcanoes erupt, they provide nutrients to the soil and the ashes provide minerals that are beneficial to the plant. Also when the magma from the volcano irrupts, some of the magma will flow into the sea which will then create new land. An earthquake can also form mountains and rivers which make the earth look beautiful. If earthquakes did not happen then the earth would look like the moon or planets that are just a rock with no rivers or mountains. These are positive effects of and earthquake which are also beneficial to the earth.

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1d ago

Some potential positive effects of earthquakes include contributing to the Earth's natural processes, such as releasing stress along fault lines and aiding in the formation of mountains. They can also create fertile land through soil deposition and reveal valuable mineral resources through fault movement. Additionally, earthquakes can increase public awareness of the importance of disaster preparedness and infrastructure resilience.

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