

What are the hippos most known predator?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What are the hippos most known predator?
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How do hippos respond to stimuli?

Most hippos respond to stimuli in an aggressive manner. Hippos are known for their aggression toward people and have even been known to attack crocodiles.

What does a hippo in Kenya eat?

Hippos are herbivores and eat plants/grasses. Hippos are also "opportunist carnivores". Meaning most of the time they are herbivores. However if they need to, for example if there is a food shortage, hippos have been known to scavenge dead animals or attack, drown and eat animals wandering close to water sources. Including humans. Hippos are also known to be cannibals, sometimes eating unwanted babies.

Does a hippo migrate?

yes the hippos can migrate. the most known place where they migrate to is the new zealand.thanks

What is the daytime predator?

The daytime predator is the Eagle.Eagles are known as the daytime predators because the hunt during daytime most of the time.

Why are hippos hunted?

Hippos are hunted mainly for their teeth, known as hippo ivory.

What is the most interesting thing about hippos?

Hippos are the most dangerous of the larger animals in Africa.

Do any animals eat hippos?

Hippos do not eat humans. However, they see humans as a threat. Hippos are more aggressive than most animals, so they are more likely to kill a human they see as a threat rather than run away.

When were pygmy hippos discovered?

Pygmy hippos were not known to exist outside of West Africa until the 19th century.

Why is a hippopotamus the most dangerous animal ever?

Hippos are Huge. They can take a human in their mouths, and crush him. Hippos have only one animal as a predator to them. Crocodiles and alligators, Although THE HIPPO is an herbivore, HIS MOUTH COULD EASILY CRUSH YOU, They are very Territorial. They have LONG canines and can rip a man apart And thier scent/stench us overpowering.

What are the habitats of hippos?

hippos live in large rivers of central Africa and are concidered very dangerous animals. They have been known to turn boats and bite persons in the water wich have lost extremities due to the bite. They spend most of their time in the river waters.

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The black caiman and the green anaconda is an known predator.

Do blue macaws live alone?

aparently yes they do but have known to vate with hippos