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Q: What are the ideologies and debates aroundn heritage?
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What are the ideologies and debates around heritage and how can be used for nation building in the present?


What are ideologies and debates around heritage and show how heritage can be used for nation building in the present?


What are the ideologies and debates around heritage and show how heritage can be used for nation building in the present?


What are the ideologies and debates around heritage and show how can be used for nation building in the present?


What are the ideologies and debate around heritage in south Africa?

The ideologies and debates around the heritage in South Africa makes South Africans one of the most unique people in the world.

What are the ideologies and debates around heritage?

heritage is a social constuct in that it is society that decides what is of value and importance and what shoul or should not be remembered. our nation is our heritage and it will be changing all the time. there is a concomitant debate on what should be traeted as heritage,if u look at our national anthem or our coat of arms you will understand the great amount of our heritage and where we come from as South Africans

What are the ideologies debate around heritage and show how heritage can be used for nation building in the present?


What are the ideologis and debates around heritage and show how heritage can be used for nation building in present?


what are ideologies and debate around heritage?

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