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After a few drinks the person may feel more relaxed, have reduced concentration and slower reflexes.

After a few more drinks, they may have fewer inhibitions, more confidence, reduced co-ordination, slurred speech and intense moods (for example, sad, happy, angry).

If the person continues to drink they may experience confusion, blurred vision and poor muscle control.

Continuing to drink may result in nausea, vomiting and sleep.

Consuming more alcohol could possibly result in coma or death.

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small eyes, tiredness, no energy

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Q: What is first observable effect alcohol has on the body?
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Because it enters the bloodstream quickly.

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The same as while not boating.

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Alcohol affects the cerebellum which leads to loss of body balance.

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well its a long time until it affects your body ex. it will end up leading to alcohol poisoning

How does alcohol effect the human body?

If consumed regularly and in moderation, alcohol improves health and increases longevity. If abused, alcohol can have negative effects.