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Q: What are the importance of contraceptives to students?
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What are focus group questions on attitudes of students towards contraceptives use?

How do you feel about discussing contraceptives openly with your peers or healthcare providers? What are the main factors that influence your decision to use or not use contraceptives? How comfortable are you with accessing contraceptive services and information at your school or college? What are your perceptions about the safety and effectiveness of different types of contraceptives?

What is a good thesis statement about contraceptives?

A strong thesis statement on contraceptives could be: "Contraceptives play a crucial role in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, contributing to overall well-being, gender equality, and family planning initiatives worldwide."

What is the importance of critical thinking to university students?

Critical thinking is important for university students as it helps them analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information effectively. It allows students to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and think creatively. Developing critical thinking skills also enhances students' academic performance and prepares them for success in their future careers.

Socrates believed that students should?

Socrates believed that students should question everything, think for themselves, and seek truth through dialogue and examination of their beliefs. He emphasized the importance of critical thinking and self-discovery in education.

Why did Aristotle set up a school?

Aristotle set up a school, called the Lyceum, in Athens with the goal of educating students in a wide range of subjects including philosophy, science, and ethics. He believed in the importance of sharing knowledge and fostering critical thinking among his students.

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I Need An Answer To This Question,,,thanks

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the importance of livelihood education is to make the students more skilled. Added to that its makes the students learn about the importance of various types of arts (e.g agricultural arts, industrial arts and etc.).

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wala. !

What is the importance of research to the criminology students?

Research is crucial for criminology students as it helps them understand crime patterns, social behaviors, and justice systems. Through research, students can analyze data, identify trends, and develop evidence-based solutions to address crime issues. It also enhances critical thinking skills and prepares them for careers in law enforcement, policy-making, or academia.

What is the importance of trigonometry to maritime students?

For navigational purposes

Why do you use contraceptives?

Contraceptives are used to prevent pregnancy from occurring.

Do teenagers use contraceptives?

Yes, teenagers use contraceptives.

What is the importance of patriotism among students?

Patriotism among students helps foster a sense of belonging and pride in their country, encouraging them to contribute positively to society. It also instills values of civic responsibility, respect for diversity, and a willingness to work towards the betterment of their nation. Overall, patriotism can help students develop a strong sense of identity and commitment to their country's well-being.

Do Oral contraceptives fight AIDS?

Oral contraceptives do not protect against AIDS