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Democracy is important because it allows for citizen participation in decision-making, promotes accountability of elected representatives, and protects individual rights and freedoms. It also fosters political stability and peaceful transfer of power.

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Q: What are the importance of democracy?
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One of the hallmarks of Jacksonian democracy was?

expanding suffrage to include non-landowning white males, promoting populism and individualism, and emphasizing the importance of the common man in politics.

How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy and how are they alike?

In a direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making by voting on laws and policies. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. Both systems aim to reflect the will of the people, but direct democracy involves more direct involvement from citizens in decision-making compared to representative democracy.

What is importance of public service in democracy?

Public service is essential in democracy as it ensures the efficient delivery of services to the people, promotes transparency and accountability in government, and encourages citizen participation in decision-making processes. It helps maintain the trust of the public in democratic institutions and ensures that elected officials serve the best interests of the community.

Direct democracy is distinguished by?

Direct democracy is distinguished by allowing citizens to participate directly in decision-making processes rather than through elected representatives. This form of democracy typically involves frequent referendums, initiatives, and town hall meetings where individuals have a direct say in shaping policies and laws. It promotes greater citizen engagement and emphasizes the importance of individual voices in governance.

What are the three types of Representative democracy?

The three types of representative democracy are parliamentary democracy, presidential democracy, and mixed democracy. In parliamentary democracy, the executive branch is drawn from the legislative branch. In presidential democracy, the executive branch is separate from the legislative branch. Mixed democracy combines elements of both parliamentary and presidential systems.

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What is the importance of political culture to democracy?

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What is the importance of public opinion in democracy?

Free public opinion is the soul of Democracy, since they are inside of the ethical and moral values.

What was the importance for shaping American democracy?

I dont know and i dont care

What is the importance of election?

i think election is the only way to determine what is good for you

What foundation of democracy is considered key to an effective democracy?

Individual freedom is the foundation of democracy and is considered the key to an effective democracy. Individual freedom is the belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence.

How do you think the importance given to the individual might have been related to the development of Greek democracy?

importance is malaki ang poke mo!

Do you There is a relationship between the importance placed on the individual and the development of democracy?

Yes. That is exactly what democracy is. AN individual has the change to make changes by voting and each vote counts.

Which age group of children are included in net attendance ratio?

importance of panchayat boards in democracy

What is the importance of political parties in the democracy?

Political parties help a democracy by keeping the country united. If there is a large political party ruling over, that party keeps the country united.

What are the foundations of democracy?

Individual freedom is the foundation of democracy and is considered the key to an effective democracy. Individual freedom is the belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence.

What kind of government did the citizens of Athens Greece live under?

Athens, Greece was one of the birthplaces of democracy. Athenian democracy was a direct democracy in which every citizen voted directly on issues of importance, rather than electing representatives to vote for them.