

Best Answer

Out lining is an important thing to high light the

required (informative) words.

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Q: What are the importance of outlining?
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What are the examples of outlines?

there are two types of informal outlining ... these are the modified and free form of outlining .

What is the of outlining?

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Examples of backgrounds of the study can include providing an overview of the research topic, discussing the importance of the study, outlining previous research in the field, and identifying the research gap that the study aims to address.

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Outlining is first, essay writing (drafting) is second

In the writing process which stage immediately follows outlining?

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Example of an entry in an informal outline?

there are two types of informal outlining ... these are the modified and free form of outlining .

What part of speech is the word outlining?

The word "outlining" can function as a verb or a noun, depending on its usage in a sentence. As a verb, it indicates the action of creating an outline. As a noun, it refers to the outline itself.