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Q: What are the indications of urine specimen collection through midstream catch?
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Why do you cut a very thin slice of specimen to look under light microscope?

The light is reflected upwards, and passes through the specimen. It passes through easier (clearer) if the specimen is not too thick.

Why is the specimen prepared for a monocular microscope must be very thin?

because the specimen is always thin

Why are specimen thin?

because the thinner it is the clearer it is too see inside

What is used to pass light through a specimen?


What is transmission electron microscopes?

A transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a microscope in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it passes through it.

Why must a specimen be very thin to be viewed under a light microscope?

Light microscope works because light goes *through* your specimen. So if the specimen is too thick, then light won't shine through, and you won't see anything.

What in a microscrope has a hole in it to let light through?

The stage in a microscope holds the specimen, usually on a slide, and has an opening in it to permit light to come up through the stage and through the specimen and further on up to the optics.

Why must the prepared specimen for a monocular microscope be very thin?

The specimen prepared for a monocular microscope must be very thin so light can pass through it easily. The light then goes through a series of lenses that magnifies the specimen to appear bigger

How is potassium collected?

A sample is collected through the urine. The specimen collection is called a '24 hour' collection, according to this website. I hypothesize that this period of time is a gestation period to allow the potassium in the urine to either grow or 'collect'; however, one must ask how the potassium is stored for this period. In refrigeration, or room temperature?

Why is it necessary to include a written description when sketching a specimen?

So you do not forget and to describe it accurately to others who have not looked at the specimen through the microscope

What lengthwise cut through any specimen?

Longitudinal section.

What does a diaphargm on a microscope do?

It regulates the amount of light that passes through a specimen.