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Some of the first symptoms of HIV are fever and body aches. Many HIV carriers also experience rashes, headaches, and swollen glands. Many other things cause the same symptoms which is why most carriers don't know they have the disease. This is the asymptomatic stage-the period of time when a person infected has no symptoms.

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12y ago

From what I have heard you may not feel it all for a while but the sick parts feel like the flu sweating aches best thing is to get test my friend has had it since 89 and the drugs they have now can keep you alive for a long time

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Q: What are the initial symptoms of HIV?
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The average time span between the initial HIV infection and the onset of disease symptoms in untreated people is?

The average time span between the initial HIV infection and the onset of disease symptoms in untreated people is 8 to 10 years but that can vary greatly. Some people never progress.

What is the definition of asymptomatic stage?

A point in a disease process where no symptoms are present. Example: During initial infection with HIV ( the virus that causes AIDS) there is an initial asymptomatic stage where the individual experiences no signs or symptoms of HIV. Once the virus destroys the immune system enough, symptoms begin too occur such as becoming sick frequently or night sweats.

Can you have HIV symptoms but not have HIV?

Yes. Most of the time people who are infected with HIV have no outward signs or symptoms.

Can you have symptoms of hiv and it not be hiv at all?

You are correct. The early symptoms of HIV infection are like the flu.

HIV symptom?

The initial symptoms of HIV (within weeks of contracting the virus) are likened to flu symptoms. Patients may experience fever, head ache, tiredness and enlarged lymph nodes for a few weeks. Once the HIV virus has progressed the symptoms are lack of energy, weakness, fevers and sweats, yeast infections, memory loss and herpes.

When can a person infected with HIV expect to notice the symptoms?

== == == == I know that tests are more accuarate if you wait 6 months from the time you think that you contracted. At least that's what I was told a few years ago by my doc. As far as what the EARLIEST you can get the symptoms? I dont specifically know that one.....sorry

Can the symptoms of HIV occur in a day?

Symptoms of HIV can not occur in 1 day.

What is hiv carier?

An HIV carrier is someone who has HIV but does not have symptoms of the disease. Because HIV infection is frequently without symptoms, routine screening is important.

Does HIV infect rapidly?

The initial infection is rapid, although there is often a prolonged latency period before symptoms show. It may take months or years after infection before symptoms become apparent.

How long does it take for HIV symptoms to start showing?

How long does it take for HIV symptoms to start showing

What is the characteristics of HIV?

no symptoms

HIV Symptom Lists by Stages ?

During the initial stages of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, many patients do not experience symptoms. Several months after contracting HIV, the individual may have a fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, malaise and rashes. At this point, a blood test will reveal HIV antibodies. During the late stages of HIV, the individual will usually have the aforementioned symptoms plus bruises, mouth lesions, night sweats, a cough, diarrhea and numb or tingling extremities.