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The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Because of the most part, they have rocky terrain, they are also called Terrestrial Planets.

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Q: What are the inner planets some time called?
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How do inner planets differ?

Inner planets differ from outer planets because they have rocky core (excepting Pluto), and the are much smaller than outer planets, which are bigger and take more time to orbit Sun than inner planets because of their location. Outer planets are farther from the Sun than inner planets.

Comparing inner and outer planets movement?

The inner planets travel faster around the Sun because they are closer, while the outer planets take more time. The outer planets spin faster on their axis than the inner planets.

What is the difference of The rotational period of the inner and outer planets?

Rotational time of the planets is random (the length of the planet's day), but the outer planets do spin faster than the inner planets.

Why are the inner planets so much smaller then the gass giant outer planets?

They believe that the inner planets had gases at one point in time, but the sun burned them away.

What is the difference between planets that rotations time are shorter than earth to planets rotation time that are longer than earth?

The outer planets all rotate faster than the inner planets. Each of them has a rotational period shorter than an Earth day. All of the inner planets have rotational periods longer than one Earth day. The outer planets are mostly made up of hydrogen, helim, and ice, and they are much larger than the inner planets which are mostly iron and various types of rock.

What is the difference between a terrestrial planet and a gas giant?

Each of the four inner planets have a clearly defined terrain. They are different to the gas planets, which don't have a clear solid surface. The inner planets are also much smaller and less massive, yet have a higher density than the outer planets. The inner planets have fewr moons due to their smaller mass and size. As they are closer to the sun, they orbit the sun in less time and are also warmer.

Are inner planets large or small?

The inner, or Terrestrial planets are very small in comparison to the outer, or Jovian planets. The smallest Jovian planet, Uranus, is 14.5 times larger than the largest Terrestrial planet, Earth.

How do the orbits of the outer planets compare to the inner ones?

The outer planets take much more time and also travel longer to complete a whole orbit around the Sun, than the inner ones.

Who has larger solid core inner planets or outer planets?

i have absolutely no ideato hard for mesorry cant help you today maybe another time

What is the difference between terrestrial planet and gas giant?

Each of the four inner planets have a clearly defined terrain. They are different to the gas planets, which don't have a clear solid surface. The inner planets are also much smaller and less massive, yet have a higher density than the outer planets. The inner planets have fewr moons due to their smaller mass and size. As they are closer to the sun, they orbit the sun in less time and are also warmer.

How are inner and outer planets alike?

anyway they are alike because they have the rotation around the sun, and that is what gives them time to go around!! And there are four planets each, and they are all plantes(; haha

What are the primary characteristics of a inner planets?

Inner planets are those that are closest to the sun. Mars is reddish due to weathered rocks on its surface that contain iron oxide, planet Earth can support life, Venus has a surface covered by an atmosphere that is full of dense clouds and Mercury has many craters and a weak magnetic field.