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Abnormal urine can have:

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. ketone bodies
  4. Blood
  5. Bile salts
  6. Bile pigments
  7. Fats


Carbohydrates present in it such as lactose and fructose.

Physiologically in pregnany and lactation, lactose is excreted in pregnant women.

Pathologically: if lactose is excreted in the urine, then this is due to lactose intolerance.

Glucose could be excreted in the urine in Diabetes mellitus, glucosuria, renal glycosuria etc

Fructose in essential fructosuria

Galactose in galactosemia


Ecretion of proteins in urine is due to:

1- Increase in the permeability of the glomerular capillaries as in nephrotic syndrome etc

2- Damage to the capillaries membranes as in glomerulonephritis

Following proteins can be excreted in abnormal urine:

  1. Albumin
  2. Globulin
  3. Hemoglobin (protein of RBC)
  4. Myoglobin
  5. Bence Jones Proteins

Albumin and globulin are found in the urine in the condition called proteinuria, also in nephrotic syndrome and glomerular nephritis.

hemoglobin is excreted in urinay tract infections.

Myoglobin is excreted due to muscular atrophy etc.

Bence Jones proteins are not usually synthesised in the body. They are produced in the condition called multiple myeloma, by plasma cells.


they are basically three chemicals viz.

  • acetone
  • acetoacetic acid
  • beta hydroxy butaric acid

All the three are the intermediates in the fats metabolism.

Increased catabolism of fats is due to

  • starvation
  • increased fat intake in diet
  • decreased carbohydrates in the diet
  • diabetes ketoacidosis



  • hemolytic anemia
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Renal trauma


in Jaundice


in obstructive jaundice

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12y ago
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14y ago

The greatest part of urine is simply water.

Next is Nitrogenous waste (chemicals based on nitrogen) such as Urea, uric acid and creatinine

Water soluble substances that are in excess in the body, such as vitamins C and D, glucose, proteins, etc. are also excreted in the urine.

Hormones, neurotransmitters, and other body chemicals can be found in the urine.

The levels of the above can be indicative of specific pathologies.

Any substance taken in to the body might be found in the urine.

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11y ago

Calcium - plays a role in blood clotting

Phosphorus - for the maintenance of c id-base balance and calcium equilibrium

Chlorine - in the form of NaCl - plays a role in osmotic pressure

Magnesium - 18 parts magnesium gives rise in rate vasodilation hyperirritability of the nervous system

Iron - essential component of hemoglobin, muscle myoglobin

Copper - important in bone formation and cellular respiration

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15y ago

Urine is a solution of metabolic wastes that contains urea, salts, and many different organic compounds.

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12y ago

calcium, magnesium, sulfates, chlorides, phosphates of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and ammonium

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15y ago

it is composed largely of water, nitrogen wastes and some salts.

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16y ago

Mostly water, plus ammonia, uric acid, and other chemicals like vitamins and minerals.

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What are the normal constituents of urine?

Normal constituents of urine include water, urea, uric acid, creatinine, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride), ammonia, and various other waste products. Hormones, enzymes, and occasionally small amounts of proteins may also be present.

What is an abnormal high concentration of protein in urine called?

Hyperproteinuria is the term for an abnormal high concentration of protein in urine.

Is urea an abnormal constituent of urine?

No, urea is a normal constituent of urine and is produced as a result of protein breakdown in the body. It is excreted by the kidneys as a way to eliminate waste products from the body.

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