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I have quilted with the Mormon quilting ladies and they use a knotless method. Insert threaded(with yarn) needle from top of quilt. Pull through leaving a fairly long tail on top. Complete stitch by bringing needle up through quilt making sure that you pull all the yarn back up or you wind up with a mess on the back. Then restitch using the same holes that you just made. The theory is( and I have never had one pull out) that the yarn fibers will mesh together and keep your stitch in place. Then cut off leaving a fairly long tail or just go on to the next place you want to stitch and cut in between stitches after you are done.

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Q: What are the instructions for knotting a quilt?
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Instructions for knot a quilt?

To make a knot a quilt, you will first have to cut out your quilt squares. To do this make a template. Your template should have evenly spaced slashes all around the square. Use the template to cut out your fabric squares, include the slashes. You simply tie knots by attaching one quilt square to the next by knotting the cut pieces of fabric to one another.

What are quilt patterns?

Quilt patterns include instructions, diagrams and pattern pieces showing you how to make a quilt.

Where can you get simple instructions for making a quilt?

Check your local fabric store or quilt shop.

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How many quilt blocks are used to make a quilt?

A quilt block is an individual piece of fabric used to make the pattern of the quilt top. Many blocks are sewn together to create a quilt. Quilt pieces could be be called patches, or blocks. Usually a quilt block is assembled from several quilt pieces, though not always. They are sometimes called appliqué.

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Is quilt a verb noun or adjective?

Quilt can be a noun (the item) or a verb (to make a quilt, quilting).

A sentence with quilt?

A quilt is a handmade blanket. "My grandmother gave me her favorite quilt last year."