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its ok to take colonadine and methadone , but you dont want to take too much of it, if you start to have trouble breathing you should go to the emergency room. they both can lower your heart rate.

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Q: What are the interactions for clonodine and methadone?
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Prilosec can have interactions with methadone. You should not start taking any new drug, over the counter or otherwise, without first speaking to your doctor.

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Please see the related link below for information on drug interactions.

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Yes you can, I talked to a pharmisist along with a nurse about the issue. It is safe and okay, although there are so many different substances in airborn they have not really checked what interactions thay may have on methadone. A nurse told me it was safe to take, along with a pharmisist so if there is interactions it is nothing large.

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I do apologize, I did not mean clonipin, I meant clonodine? Sorry for the mistake but I would be most glad for anyone's input! God bless, Laura I do apologize, I did not mean clonipin, I meant clonodine? Sorry for the mistake but I would be most glad for anyone's input! God bless, Laura

Can you take famotidine while on methadone?

Yes you can. But if you are looking for a potentiometer, Cimetidine is the heartburn medicine that is best for someone when on methadone. When you run out of Famotidine, see if you can get some Tagamet or generic Tagamet which is "Cimetidine" then maybe your methadone will go a bit farther. But studies have shown that neither Famotidine (Pepcid) nor Ranitidine (Zantac) show any negative drug interactions with methadone, they just dont offer the potentiometer effect that you get from Cemetidine (Tagamet).. Hope this helps :-)

Can you mix Adderall and clenbuterol together?

Yes, I am doing it now and no interactions noticed. Each drug works it's usual effects, so when mixed, you won't be nodding out from methadone, and the shakes from the clen won't be as serious as without methadone, so they get the best of each other when combined. Also, clen helps with breathing, so if you took more methadone, clenbuterol may help with your breathing NOT stopping.

Can you take methadone while detoxing from suboxone?

It is not a good idea to mix drugs unless your doctor or pharmacist says they are OK together. It does not matter what two or more drugs we are talking about. Even over-the-counter medications and supplements have interactions, so you should always check with a trained professional. That said, WikiAnswers does not give information about illegal acts, such as using methamphetamine.

Is there opium in methadone?

No there is no opium in Methadone

What is detected in a Methadone Urine test?

Only methadone will be detected because the methadone urine test is specifically used to detect methadone.