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* Introduction to the Seven Habits1.What are your feelings about success? How do you see yourself achieving success? Please take a moment to think about these questions and then write your ideas below in the form of a paragraph. My feelings on success, is respect. If I can reach my goal with in the time limit that is given, then am very proud, and respect of myself a little more. If some, I know reach there goal with in the time limit, I respect them as do I am myself. When I see that, I am achieving something I thought I never could, or would then that is when I know I'm achieving success. 2.According to the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, what inward accomplishments are important parts of success? How do you feel about this view of success? Please write your answers below in paragraph form. Inward accomplishments is having loyalty and reliable friends, getting along with family members, feeling confident even in new situations, and living lives free from chemical or emotional addictions. This view of success is true, something we all should value. Most people around the world only dream of friends and love of a family. I feel that I'm thankful to love and be loved by friends and family. 3.What do quick-fix solutions focus on and what is wrong with this focus? What kinds of problems can be caused by quick-fix solutions? Please write your answer below in paragraph form. Quick-fix solutions focus on the immediate - "What can I do right now to make myself feel better?" Quick-fix solutions are wrong to be focused on, because they ignore the real problems and in turn cause problems of their own. For example, if I had to do a test tomorrow, on career, and I have not study for it. I think of a quick-fix solution, I could cheat. I got a 90% on my test. Do I get in trouble for cheating no, but now I'm stuck at a job I don't know anything about. 4.Explain how true long-term success is measured according to the text. Do you agree or disagree with this description of true success? Please write your answer below in paragraph form. True success is measured not only by what is accomplished, but also by how it is accomplished. When people are truly successful, they feel good about themselves, their accomplishments, and the way they have treated other people. Why would I disagree when it speaks the truth? Yes, I agree, why because people can only feel after accomplishment, if they did the work. *Changing the Way You See 1.What are your attitudes and feelings about your world today? How do these feelings and attitudes affect your behavior? My attitude and feelings for the world today would be a long boring read. However, my attitude towards are new present is happy, glad, and sad. I'm happy that are new presents isn't a white male. I'm glad he's black and not BUSH! I'm sad because he will not last long. These feelings I have towards the world or to today is mix of many feelings. How do they affect my behavior, crazy, have the time I don't know weather to agree or disagree. I like to see every reason before I judge. 2.Why can't behavior and attitude help us if we're using a faulty paradigm? Our attitudes and behaviors grow out of assumptions. The way we see things is the source of the way we think and the way we act. *Making a Paradigm Shift 1.Write a brief explanation to explain why you'd use the view from the airplane to create a map. If you were up in an airplane, you can see and draw more then what you see on the ground. 2.How did Covey experience a paradigm shift on the subway? Covey experience paradigm shift on the subway, when a two kids and a guy walked in. The kids were loud and disturb every one on the subway, as soon as they got on. Covey couldn't understand why the guy just sat down and did nothing. When Covey told the guy, that he should handle his kids a little more, the guy just said "Oh, you're right. I guess I should do something about it. We just came from the hospital where their mother died about an hour ago. I don't know what to think, and I guess they don't know how to handle it either." After what Covey just heard, he felt for thinking bad thoughts of him. * The Principle-Centered Paradigm1.Why is working from a principle-centered paradigm more successful than working from our own limited perceptions? We look at life through our experience and guide ourselves by our own perceptions, but our perceptions are not the reality. When we base our decisions and actions on principles, we work from a principle-centered paradigm. 2.Please briefly describe how you feel about each of the three shifts Covey says we need to make. You might consider these questions as you respond: Do you agree or disagree with the idea? How easy or hard will making a paradigm shift be? Will you consider making the shift? "When we base our decisions and actions on principles, we work from a principle-centered paradigm. As we come closer to matching our perceptions to these principles, we'll find we like ourselves better, get along with others better, and are successful more often. Principles are the foundation for a strong and successful character ethic" Says Covey. He saying that if we want to feel more relax and happy with are self's, we have to change, in the inside and not are outside. In order to do this we have to sit down and think. We have to think about what our principles are. Then we shift it to a paradigm. Here are three steps. First is the shift to a principal-centered paradigm. We need to recognize that being successful means basing our actions and decisions on the principle-centered paradigm. The second paradigm shift is realizing that we need to give ourselves time to grow and change. We have to dig deep and get at our very character. The third paradigm shift is changing the way we look at problems. Sometimes when we try to solve a problem, we do not actually see the problem. *Habits 1.What are some habits that you have? Do you think our habits help us or hurt us? Why? I have many habits, but I'll share few that I know. My first habit is biting my nails, when waiting or board. My second would be humming a tone when I'm walking or thinking. I don't know all my habits but I am aware of a few. Do I think habits can hurt us or help us, I would say both. Biting my nails is a habit that hurt me, I once bit in to my skin without even know I did so until I looked at my hand wondering wear the blood was coming form. Humming is a habit that helps me thinks more clearly, so when I have to study or take a test, I hum and mostly get an A on it. 2.According to Covey, what is involved in breaking habits? How are habits changed? How could you apply these concepts to your life? "Habits have tremendous gravity pull- more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. "Lift-off" takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension." Covey said. "Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us. The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. However, it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives." He sound like he knows a lot about habits but where and how did him learn it. *Personal Vision I1.Frankl believed that his captors had "more liberty, more options to choose from their environment; but he had more freedom". What do you think Frankl meant by this? Frankl meant that they have taken every thing but take away what really matters, his mind. They can beat him and torture him but take away what he thinks. 2. In what four ways does self-awareness help us? How could you use this information in your life? Give examples. Self-awareness helps us make advances and helps us evaluate experiences. It helps us learn from our own and other's experiences. Perhaps most importantly, self-awareness gives us the ability to make and break habits. We learn from our mistakes as well as others. This is because we're self-aware of what we did and try to create it. When were aware of our self we can change what we don't like about ourselves. It allows us to truly see and learn about ourselves and then grow. 3. Proactively means more that taking the initiative. It means that as human beings we are responsible for our own lives. How can you use proactively in your life and what would it change? Proactively is us being responsible for our own lives. How can I use this in my life? Well, what we do shapes our future. If we went to school everyday, learn, and study, then we can go on to collage and go to a job we would love to go and work. If we skip classes, got F's on test, stole from stores, get arrested, we wouldn't be able to go to collage, and we be stuck working at a fast food place, if they have us. See the difference. The little things we do, when we are young, we shape our future when we are adults. * Personal Vision II 1.How are our actions affected when we accept the reality of consequences? Give an example. Our actions are affected when we think of our consequences because were thinking weather or not to make a good or bad choices. For example. Should I go out tonight and have fun, or stay home in study? Do I want to past this test? On the other hand, should I care about one more failed test? 2.Write a paragraph explaining why taking an inside-out approach, working within our circles of influence, accepting consequences and handling mistakes, and making and keeping commitments help develop the habit of being proactive. An inside-out approach means looking first inside ourselves before making an outward response and that we have to "be" on the inside before we can "have" on the outside. Meaning if we worry about our outer looks, and not the person with end we may never no what friends are, or never let love in. Things outside us may influence us, but these things do not determine the response. We do. Trying to improve outward accomplishments is futile until we have improved ourselves inwardly. 3.According to Stephen Covey in order to be proactive we must, "subordinate our feelings to values" what does this mean and how can you apply it to your life? We most value our feelings second. We often do or do not do things because of our feelings. To be more effective, we can train ourselves to act on values rather than to react to feelings. Well, if I wanted to go outside but I change my minded because it's loud, and hot. Was that being reactive or proactive? Reactive, because I was reacting to my feelings. * Personal Leadership I 1.What does it mean to begin with the end in mind? How can you apply this concept to your life? What is the end that you have in mind? Beginning with the end in mind means knowing your destination and then following a path that will get you there. 2.What is personal leadership and how do we develop it? Personal leadership is, we let are mind lead us and not are emotion. For example, if we wanted to blow are boss mind with a great project. We A) build it then show it to our boss or B) think long and hard, then make a blue print of it, and then we build it, show it to our boss. If u picked A), I am sorry but that is wrong, B) is correct. If we do not take personal leadership in our lives, we will not reach the end we have in mind. Rather than directing ourselves, we will find ourselves following the plans or scripts of other people. * Personal Leadership II 1.Try to identify your vision and values. Imagine an event in your future. Take time to picture clearly, what's happening. Picture it the way you would like it to be. Now ask yourself, "What's really important to me in this picture? Why am I doing what I am doing? My vision's and values are first, to finish school. Second, get a job that I want to do. Third, relax and watch where life takes me. What is important is that I finish school. I'm working hard so I can, became what I what to the most. 2.What are your roles? Make a list below of the different roles you have in your life. Then, next to each role, identify one or two long-term goals that you would like to achieve for that role. I am Shaundra Flanders, I am a daughter to my mother, a younger sister to my sister, a friend to talk to when in need of an ear, a best friend in need of a shoulder to cry on, and plan revenge against the person who made them sad. Daughter- is more of help when needed.Younger sister- helps her grow a little more, even though she is older than I am.Friends- talk openly a little more.Best friends- be there when needed. 3.Using what you wrote earlier about your vision, your values, roles and goals write a draft of your personal mission statement. My personal mission is to, work hard to restive the job that would suit me, then live life, be happy, and die laughing. * Personal Management I 1.Reflect on the vision and goals you developed in Habit 2. Which of these goals might involve doing some type of work that you'd rather not do? Select one of these goals and explain how you could use Habit 3 to help you accomplish your vision. There is nothing in habit 2 that I rather do something else. Maybe the schoolwork but I have to do it. Well, in order for me to complete my goals I must first do the hard work. Duh! I first have to create a life that matches my mental picture. 2.What is the goal of Habit 3? What can the effective self-management practices of Habit 3 help you accomplish? Habit 3 empowers you to create a life that matches your mental picture because it develops effective self-management. Self-management means that you decide how you spend your time and energy. If I derive a conclusion, I will have a life that is organize, well plan and it matches my mental picture, of what my "end in mind" is. *Personal Management II 1.Do you think making a paradigm shift from efficient to effective scheduling would improve your self-management? Please explain your answer. We become efficient at getting a lot done. However, being efficient does not necessarily reflect our principals, values, and goals. Just being efficient ignores human needs, both others and ours. To be successful self-managers, we need to be effective, not just efficient. Effective self-management relates vision, values, and goals to day-to-day activities and relationships. We need both to be successful self-managers . 2.Consider your daily activities. Make a list of them and then categorize them below as: important but not urgent, important and urgent, urgent but not important, or not urgent and not important. Wake up: important but not urgent.Go to bathroom: important and urgentGet clothes: important but not urgentPut school stuff together: important but not urgentEat breakfast: important but not urgentTurn on TV: not urgent and not important.Waiting to leave: urgent but not important.Walk to school: important but not urgentFinish schoolwork for the day: important and urgentPicked up after school: not urgent and not important.*Interdependence 1.How are deposits and withdrawals made in Emotional Bank Accounts? Using this information write a paragraph explaining a time when you overdrew the Emotional Bank Account of a friend. What did you do to renew the friendship? Emotional Bank Account is all based on trust, when you make a friend, they make an account. If you stay true, and kind to them, you still have that deposit. If you disrespect, betraying your trust with that friend, you will end up withdraw ling that trust. NEVER HAPPEN! I never disrespected my friends or best friends. If I do, I would say I'm sorry, and work my way up from there. 2.Explain the difference in making a mistake in your relationship with someone when the deposits are high and in making a mistake in your relationship when the deposits are low or overdrawn. Use examples to support your point. If I made a mistake in a relationship with someone who as high deposits, of trust for me, it would make little difference, because of the deposits are so high, I still have a lot of trust in he/her. If I made a mistake in a relationship with someone who as low deposits, it would make a big difference, because I'd be close to losing my friend and never talking to her/he again, unless they forgive me. *Making Deposits 1.What steps does Covey suggest taking if a promise must be broken? How do you think taking these steps could help you in your relationships? Give examples. Covey suggest that we either keep it anyway, or explain the situation thoroughly to the person involved and ask to be released from the promise, because sometimes, despite all effort to keep a promise, the unexpected comes up, creating a situation where it would be impossible to keep the promise made. 2.How do unclear expectations cause withdrawals in an Emotional Bank Account? Unclear expectations are, for example, who does what at work, and we can be certain that unclear expectations will lead to misunderstanding, disappointment, and withdrawals of trust. Therefore, when you ask, "how do unclear expectations cause withdrawals in an Emotional Bank Account?" the answer is fairy simple, unclear expectations, withdraw trust we put in to one to do something. 3.Consider two people with whom you interact. List them below. How can you make deposits with each of these people? Please write a paragraph explaining your ideas. Ben and Jen, now if I wanted to make a deposit with them I would try to get to knew them, understand them more. I would talk with them, smile and wave at them every time I see, them. If I make a promise I'll try and keep it, but if I can't. I will try to make it up to them. I will not lead to unclear expectations that would lead to misunderstanding, disappointment, and withdrawals of trust. I would treat them as I wan to be treated. Moreover, if I make a mistake, I will apologies, for rudeness, I have caused in the friendship. *Interpersonal Leadership I 1.Do you think it's realistic to approach situations believing that it's possible for both people to win or to at least agree to disagree peaceably? Please explain your answer. Do I believe that, I can approach a situation, which I think its possible for both of us can win or both agree to disagree peaceably? Yes, because we talk it through, and share, instead of yelling for no reason. 2.What paradigm do you use when relating to others? How does this paradigm affect your interactions with others? Write a paragraph explaining your answers. I use the paradigm Lose/Win. If I lose people want be mad at me, but sometimes I don't like to lose so I think of a way to work it out. Sometimes the other person does not like my ideal and walks away mad. Therefore, I'm stuck were I did not want to be. *Interpersonal Leadership II 1.Select a specific relationship in which you would like to develop this paradigm to help solve a problem. Put yourself in the other person's place. Write down how you think that person see the solution to the problem. Then, list from your own perspective what results would be a win for you. Now, develop a draft for an agreement that you could take to this person for discussion on finding a Win/Win solution to the problem. My sister likes to watch TV as soon as we get home, but so do I. She would see how her shows are on now that she should have the TV but so is one of my. If I won't to win, I could get in the house first and take the remote. If I want to have the win/win solution to the problem, then I could let her have it then I could watch my show. *Emphatic Communication I 1.How does the motive for empathic listening differ from the motive in reflective listening? Please explain. Active listening or reflective listening, which is involved mimicking what another person says, is mean. Empathic listening is listening gets inside another person's frame of reference, or listening to understand better, is good. 2.How do the goals for empathic listening differ from the goals in reflective listening? Please explain. Empathic listening goals are, to not only listen with your ears but your eyes, and heart. Reflective listening goals are 3.Why is empathic listening so powerful? Please write a paragraph explaining how empathic listening can positively influence your relationships. Empathic listening is so powerful because you're listening and understanding more with your ears, eyes, and heart. The influence a relationships positively, because you're not just listen with your ears to get facts from that person, but Empathic listening. *Emphatic Communication II 1.Why does seeking to be understood require courage? Seeking to understand require courage, because you are revealing your feelings and ideas. So when your friends as a question don't be afraid to tell them what you think, and try to help them the best you can. 2.Look at the final conversation between the father and the son in this lesson. Rewrite the conversation using emphatic listening so that it reflects Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. ""Dad, I want to talk with you, school isn't going so well."""Well, son what's wrong are you frustrated about school?"""I sure am. It's totally impractical. I'm not getting a thing out of it.""You feel like school's not doing you any good? Am I right?""Well, yeah. I'm just not learning anything that's going to help me. I mean, look at Joe. He has dropped out of school and he is working on cars. He's making money. Now that's practical.""You feel that Joe has the right idea?""I guess he does in a way. He's really making money now."""That might be so, but education is really important. I mean, if you don't have a diploma, if you can't get jobs or go to college, what are you going to do? You just have to get an education. It's important to your future.""It is, and... you know what? I'm really worried. Listen, you won't tell Mom, will you?""You don't want your mother to find out, that you don't want to go to school?""Well, not really. Oh, I guess you can tell her. She'll probably find out anyway. Look, I took this test today, this reading test. In addition, Dad, they said I'm reading on a fourth-grade level. Fourth grade! And I'm a junior in high school!"*Creative Cooperation 1.What things are needed in order for synergy to happen in human relationships? In order, to have a human relationship, for synergy, we must use our human endowments, our principle-centered leadership, a Win/Win attitude, and a clear understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and needs of everyone involved. 2.What positive results come from valuing each other's differences? In order for people to experience synergy, we need to value each other's differences. We must value and respect our different abilities and build on the strengths of each other and compensate for each other's weaknesses. Communication is open and we are receptive to new ideas because we value the potential for each person's contribution. 3.Think of a time when you have experienced synergy, when you've worked with a group of people and come out with results and an experience that surpassed what the group members could have accomplished on their own. Please write a paragraph describing that experience here. Well, in 7th or 8th grade, I had a group of six people and we had to find out why cell phones are bad. One was to shy, one talked too much, three didn't want to do anything and I wanted to do research. Well, I was stuck being leader and I had to figure out how every body could do something to get credit. The shy one had good handwriting, so she wrote down facts. The talkative one looked up facts of why phones are bad because he knows what to look for. The other three looked up why cell phones are good, because that's what they wanted to do. Then we presented the talkative one and the other three talks to the whole class saying why cell phones are bad. The shy one and I did no talking, and while I was worried about everyone else, I did no work at all on it. *Balanced Self-Renewal 1.Briefly explain each of the four dimensions of human nature and explain why these dimensions need to be balanced. The Physical dimension, caring for our physical dimension includes exercise, good nutrition, and stress management. The Spiritual dimension, Stephen Covey describes the spiritual dimension as "your core, your center, and your commitment to your value system. It's a very private area of life and a supremely important one. It draws upon the sources that inspire and uplift you and tie you to the timeless truths of all humanity. And people do it very, very differently." The Mental Dimension, Renewing the mental dimension includes activities that stretch and encourage our thinking capacities to grow. Sometimes, we let our minds grow weak. Rather than challenging our thinking capacities by contemplating ideas and realities, we sit back and allow others' thoughts to wash over us. We absorb without evaluating what we take into our minds. The Social/Emotional Dimension, The social/emotional dimension of our lives involves our interactions and relationships with other people. Most emotions are a response to other people and are shown in social situations. 2.How does being a positive scripter provide a service for others? Include a personal experience from a time you or someone you know was positively scripted. When you're a positive scripter, you listen to them and empathize with them, you inspire them toward a higher path because you are there to believe in them. I would have to say my dear old friend Julie is and always as been my positive scripter. She's always acts like the mother hen in our group, telling us what to do, how to do it, and cheers us on when we get an A on a test or something,. *The Upward Spiral 1.Explain how you would use any of the principles from the Seven Habits in your own actions and how you would help another person use the principle to redirect toward a positive script. I would not only use one but also use all. They were all very help full, but maybe my number one thing I would use more often then once would maybe, be the Empathic listening, since I use it, all most, all the time. That other person would be my sis, don't get me wrong I love her and all, but she my sis, all siblings dislikes something about the other. My sis needs to have a positive script, or a positive scripter. The first thing she'll need to learn is to become a transition person. In order to become a transition person, she'd have to have the endowments of self-awareness, imagination, independent will, and conscience. Thirdly, have responsibility for our actions. When something happens to us, we can choose our response. Fourthly, Life takes on meaning when we have purpose and goals, a personal vision and mission provides purpose and goals. Fifthly, I think is important beginning with the end in mind helps us to keep a steady and successful course in life. Sixthly, if we seek first to understand and then to be understood, we will have effective communication and relations with others. Seventhly, most important and last, taking time to renew brings growth and gives us confidence that we can continue developing our relationships with others and ourselves.

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