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That would include depression, a lost love one, not being loved, divorce, and losing everything you own. There could be anything that can trigger suicide.

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Q: What are the known causes of people that commit suicide?
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No Statistics known to man kind

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No Statistics known to man kind

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Yes, Cleopatra did commit suicide, but exactly how is not known. There is a myth that she was bitten by a snake, however it has been disproved. Historians think it was by some type of poison. That's all we know--so far.

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Well that is unknown, but it is known that more men kill themselves then women do. -Tgmhc

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Because they are known. That brings a lot of popularity, but also a lot of hate. Also if they are powerful the could feel a lot of pressure and simply just give up.

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They have been known to. Being a sociopath doesn't mean one doesn't experience depression. Clinical depression in sociopaths or anyone else presents a suicide danger.

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She wanted to commit suicide with Hitler, the reason for that will probably never be known exactly, maybe she loved him.

Can you get in trouble for pretending to commit suicide?

Are you for real? It's a no brainer. Yes, you can. Also it's selfish!!!!Added: There is no such thing as a "suicide" unless the act is actually successfully completed. Up until the point of death it is an act of mental illness for which you could be insititutionalized for examination.___________Pretending to commit suicide (known formally as 'psuedocide') is classified as the same crime as attempted suicide (which is illegal in all 50 states, and Canada).