

What are the layers of of sun?

Updated: 7/2/2024
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12y ago

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From outermost layer to innermost layer: corona, chromosphere, photosphere, subsurface flows, convection zone, radiative zone, inner core.

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3w ago

The layers of the Sun, from outermost to innermost, are the corona, chromosphere, photosphere, convective zone, and radiative zone. The core is at the center of the Sun where nuclear fusion occurs.

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What are the sun's layers?

the outside

Is the sun made of 5 layers?

That depends how you choose to count the layers. You can find details about the individual layers in the Wikipedia article about the Sun, among other places.

Is the sun one homogeneous bunch of gas or are there layers?

There are "layers" and there is a structure.

What are the four main layers of the sun?

The four main layers of the Sun are the core, radiative zone, convective zone, and the photosphere. These layers make up the internal structure of the Sun, with each layer playing a unique role in the Sun's energy production and transfer processes.

Why are there different layers of the sun?

The sun has an extremely powerful gravitational field, and as a result, denser materials tend to fall to the lower layers.

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because the sun is beuatiful

What feature indicates that the sun's inner layers are in motion?

it is over thousands of dregeers or maby millons of dregrees high.

What is the sun's interior and exterior features?

the interior layers of the sun can be very hot and the exterior layers can be not as hot as the interior layers. Differnt Answer: The sun has 3 interior features: Core Radiation Zone and Convection Zone. and the Exterior is : Prominence Corona and Chromosphere.

identify what are the four main layers of the Sun?

The inner layers of the Sun are the Core, the Radiative Zone and the Convection Zone. Meanwhile, the outer layers are the Photosphere, the Chromosphere, the Transition Region and the Corona. I hope this helped!

What layers of the sun do solar flares come from?

They do not come from the sunspot. They can be anywhere in the sun,

Does the temperature in the layers of the sun's atmosphere evenly distributed?

No, the temperature in the layers of the sun's atmosphere is not evenly distributed. The temperature increases with height, transitioning from cooler regions like the photosphere to hotter regions like the corona. This temperature variation is due to the way energy is transported and distributed through the layers of the sun.

What is the order of the outer layers of the sun?

The order of layers of the sun are the inner core, radiative zone, convection zone, subsurface flows, photosphere, chromosphere and corona