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Q: What are the legal formalities to start a snooker business?
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Other than the various local and state business licenses that every business must purchase regardless of type of ownership, no legal formalities are required to start or operate the business.

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What is the legal age to start a business in North Carolina?

In order to start a business anywhere, you must be of legal age to sign a contract. That is 18 years of age.

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There are always legal requirements to operate a business, such as being registered with the Internal Revenue Service, obtaining a license to do business through your state in which the business in held

How many points are there on a snooker table at the start of the game?

There are 147 points on a snooker table, except fouls pionts.

How business is affected by political and legal constraints?

Political and legal constraints have the effect of making it harder to do business. When it is harder to to business the costs of business rise and productivity falls. The effect on businesses especially start ups is negative.

What is the legal age to start a business?

One can start a business at any age, however if you are under 18, the paperwork becomes complex and you need a legal agent (however this agent can be anyone over 18)

What is the minimum age to start a business in Connecticut?

To start a legal business one must be able to sign a legal agreement, the minimum age to sign legal documents on your own is 18. If you have your parents as co-signers, you can do it at any age you wish, but they are responsible.

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What is the legal age to start a business in the UK?

You have to be 16 to be a director. You will probably need an adult to deal with legal matter, though.

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When did jimmy white start snooker?

When he was 12-14 in high school