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Q: What are the less due to flood?
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Using drugs changes the brain due to the unnatural flood of neurotransmitters. For example may make less .?

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Was the Gloucestershire flood a flash flood?

In 2007 in July Glouctestershire was hit by flash flood (a flash flood is a flood that happened really quick due to lots of rain)

What is flood drainage system?

which ismost affected due to flood rural or urban areas?

How do rivers get in the way?

When rivers flood or over flood they can get in the way, due to the large amount of water stored in the river or due to the fast current it holds.

How can flood cause famine?

Flood can cause famine because it washes out the crops and and the nutrient from the soil due to essence water in the soil caused by flood

What will you do when your delivery trucks was stuck in traffic due to flood?

you wait

How the river of the northern plains make the land fertile?

The rivers carry silt and sediment, which they get from the mountains due to soil erosion. (the rivers flow extremely fast due to a steep slope) Due to less gradient of slope in the N.Plains, the rivers flow more sluggishly and are not able to carry the silt anymore. So, they deposit these minerals on their banks (forming flood plains if they flood) causing the land to become fertile.

How do the rivers of the northern plains make the land fertile?

The rivers carry silt and sediment, which they get from the mountains due to soil erosion. (the rivers flow extremely fast due to a steep slope) Due to less gradient of slope in the N.Plains, the rivers flow more sluggishly and are not able to carry the silt anymore. So, they deposit these minerals on their banks (forming flood plains if they flood) causing the land to become fertile.

What is a flood plain in ariver?

due to heavy rainfall and ocean current which occur due to the jet streams .

When does flood insurance typically take effect?

Specially when crops are damaged due to inundation of fields or your dwelling houses are damaged by flood, Flood Insurance generally takes effect in such scenarios.