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Q: What are the letter designations for us naval vessels?
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What is the minimum allowed flash point for fuels on board naval vessels?

The minimum allowable flash point for all fuels on US naval vessels is 140oF (60oC)

How did Richard Byrd get to Antarctica?

Byrd was a US Naval Officer and got to Antarctica by US Navy vessels.

Where were the Americans when Saigon fell?

Some were stationed in Saigon, the remaining men were aboard US naval vessels offshore.

Why did Blacks serve in the US Navy from the beginning of the War?

African Americans had been working aboard naval vessels for years

Which of these were suicide squadron pilots who flew their planes loaded with explosives into US naval vessels?

Kamikaze- "The Divine Wind"

What system does the us use when transporting ships during war?

US Naval vessels are still screened when moving. But all of those WWII vessels were used up during the Vietnam era, and have since been replaced by sophisticated computers which have enhanced aircraft/submarine/missile defenses. Stated another way, US naval vessels aren't crossing oceans the way you see them on old WWII television films; a convoy ringed by destroyers (although it can still be done). 21st century naval vessels still cross oceans, but with the technology mentioned in the first paragraph. The ships move, and are monitored the whole way...if and when trouble erupts, that technology is activated.

Do all navy ships begin with USS?

No, only those owned by the US, as in United States Ship. The British naval vessels are HMS for Her (or his) Majesties Ship.

In the US Civil War what did the North use to limit the South's trade?

Blockades on Southern ports were set up in the Anaconda Plan. This plan was to use naval vessels to block all ports within the Confederates States. If they could not get their cotton out to market then they could not bring in any supplies.

How many naval ships were produced before and after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

101 ships were there. Hundreds (if you count minor vessels thousands) of naval ships were built by the US after Pearl and before the wars end. Sixty aircraft carriers to begin with.

Where is the us naval port in Singapore?

There is NO US naval port in Singapore.

When did US Congress legislate a minimum of 11 nuclear aircraft carriers?

They didn't - there is no LAW mandating the minimum or maximum number of naval vessels, or types, the US Navy may have.

What was the date for operation Neptune?

Operation Neptune involved huge naval forces, including 6939 vessels: 1213 naval combat ships, 4126 landing ships and landing craft, 736 ancillary craft and 864 merchant vessels. Some 195,700 personnel were assigned to Operation Neptune: 52,889 US, 112,824 British, and 4988 from other Allied countries.