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The biggest limitation is that everyone thinks they understand how it works, and almost every one of them are wrong.

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Q: What are the limitations of the wind chill index?
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How do you calculate wind chill?

In order to calculate the wind chill information about the temperature and the wind speed is required. The formula is wind chill index Twc = 13.12 + 0.6215Ta - 11.37V0.16 + 0.3965TaV0.16. Where Ta is the temperature in celsius and V is the wind speed in km/h. Twc differs from Ta only if V is greater than 4.8. Click on the link below where there is a wind chill calculator.

What is meant by the phrase chill factor?

It refers to wind chill factor. This is the decrease in air temperature that someone would feel because of a cold breeze of air flow. The wind chill factor will be lower than the air temperature. The opposite would be used with the heat index.

What impactdoes an increassing wind have on wind chill?

It makes the wind chill lower.

Is a wind-chill temperature greater thean the actual air temperature?

No. As the chill wind wind chill might imply, which chill temperatures are colder than the real temperature.

What instrument is used to measure wind chill?

Wind chill is the calculation of the temp. and the wind speed.

What is the heat index?

It's the same method used with the wind chill factor when it is cold outside.Except its just with heat,what the temp feels like.

What is how hot or cold the air is?

I am wondering if you are referring to "heat index" and "wind chill factor". These terms refer to what the temperature actually is and what it feels like.

Does windchill effect the antifreeze?

Wind chill does not affect your car's antifreeze protection. It will have an impact on how quickly your home's exposed water pipes freeze, but has little impact on whether they would freeze or not. The importance of the wind chill index is as an indicator of how to dress properly for winter weather.

What impact does increasing wind-speed have on wind chill?

Increasing wind speed increases the rate of heat loss from the body, making the air feel colder than it actually is. This results in a lower perceived temperature, known as the wind chill effect. The higher the wind speed, the stronger the wind chill effect.

What is the wind chill if the degrees is -16F and wind is 20 mph?

Wind chill: -43 degrees Fahrenheit.

Does a hibernal wind make you hide or give you a chill?

a hibernal wind gives you a chill

What is the duration of Wind Chill film?

The duration of Wind Chill - film - is 1.5 hours.