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Q: What are the list of natural elements from A-Z?
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Do trace elements have to be radioactive?

No, trace elements are not necessarily radioactive. A link to a list of elements that have no natural radioactive isotopes is at a related question, below.

How can I get a list of doctors in Tempe az?

Yes, by doing on the search engine like Google, you will e able to get a list of doctor in Tempe AZ.

What is a list of natural metals?

Now all the metals up to atomic number 94 (inclusive) are considered as natural chemical elements. It is difficult to post here a very long list; see the periodic table at the link below.

Is it right that 88 natural elements now?

No. There are 92 natural elements.

How many natural elements do we know of?

there are 51 natural elements we know of

What is the difference between an element and a native element?

Elements can either be synthetic or natural. Synthetic elements are made artificially in laboratories, while natural elements exist in their natural state in nature. Natural elements can further be defined as native elements. These elements exist in their uncombined state.

Where can I get a listing of insurance agents and brokers in Phoenix, AZ?

You can find a list of insurance agents and brokers in Phoenix Az at

Is it possible to get an element that is also a compound?

Yes because some elements exist in their natural state as diatomic molecules, and are thus both elements and molecules.See the Related Questions for a complete list of the diatomic molecules.

Is there a luxury spa resort in Tucson, AZ?

Yes, there is a luxury spa resort in Tucson, AZ. You can find a list of them at or

Are most elements man made or natural?

All the existing elements are natural the man made elements are rare and have a very short life.

Are the majority of elements natural or man made?


Is there a list of Confadential informants's in prescott valley AZ?

Obviously not - or they wouldn't be confidential !