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Q: What are the list of traditional values?
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Conservatives like Republicans prefer limited government and traditional values.

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What is a person who wants to preserve traditional beliefs and values?

One term could be : a traditionalist

What is the difference between traditional and secular-rational values?

Traditional values focus on preserving traditional practices, social norms, and institutions, often based on religious beliefs. Secular-rational values prioritize rationality, science, and individualism, often challenging traditional belief systems and advocating for progress and change based on reason and evidence.

Traditional Chinese values?

Traditional Chinese values are influenced by Confucianism, emphasizing respect for elders, filial piety, harmony, and humility. Other key values include thrift, perseverance, loyalty, and the importance of maintaining social harmony. These values have played a significant role in shaping Chinese society and culture for centuries.

Did proverbs communicate only traditional beliefs in values?

no because until in our generation there were still a lot of people using proverbs