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Q: What are the little orange and black bugs on your tomato plant?
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What is the stem of the tomato plant?

A tomato is the developed ovary of the tomato plant flower. The plant is called a tomato plant and the fruit is the tomato you buy in the fruit shop.

What is Function of tomato to the plant?

The tomato is the fruit of the tomato plant and carries to seed.

What color is a nuclear membrane in a plant cell?

orange and a little gray

What kingdom does the tomato plant belong to?

The tomato plant belongs to the Plantae kingdom.

What do a young and an adult tomato plant both have a flower ovary pollen or stem?

A young tomato plant and an adult tomato plant both have a stem.

What is the Life cycle of tomato plant?

A tomato plant is an annual plant and it grows, produces tomatoes and dies for one season. There are plants such as perennials that seem to "die" but regrow and bloom again in the spring or summer but a tomato plant is not one of these. So, once you plant your tomato seeds and reap the benefits of their tomatoes they will eventually stop blooming andyielding tomatoes and the plant will die and not come back next season.

Where is tomato produced from?

A tomato is the ripened fruit that comes from a tomato plant.

What is the favorite garden plant of the hawkmoth?

The tomato [Solanum lycopersicum] is the favorite garden plant of the hawkmoth [Sphingidae family]. The hawkmoth has a long tube called a proboscis, to suck nectar from flowers. But it also likes to insert the tube into tomatoes, for their delicious juices. Little black spots on a tomato's surface may represent the former feeding locations of hawkmoths.

Is tomato plant a herb or shrub?

Tomato is a herb.

Is tomato plant is a herb or shrub?

Tomato is a herb.

Why is a tomato is a fruit?

Because the seeds of the tomato plant form inside the tomato. That's what a fruit is, the part of the plant that contains the seeds.