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Biotic (living) parts of an ecosystem are: producers (green plants, trees), primary consumers that eat the producers (cattle, sheep, rabbits, etc.), secondary consumers that eat the primary consumers (lions, tigers, foxes, wild dogs, some birds, snakes, some insects) and the tertiary consumers (hawks, eagles, humans). They are also decomposers whose numbers are absolutely huge (worms, snails, many insects including ants and bacteria).

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Q: What are the living ecosystem components?
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What is the answer Science Nonliving part of an ecosystem?

The nonliving parts of an ecosystem are the abiotic components, while the living ones are biotic components.

For you what is an ecosystem?

ECOSYSTEM- is an environment where LIVING THINGS and NON-LIVING THINGS interact with each other..BIOTIC and ABIOTIC are the components of ecosystem....~*MARGE*~

What are 2 major components of an ecosystem?

atmospere,living things

A community and all of the nonliving things that affect it?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment. Energy, water, nitrogen and soil minerals are other essential abiotic components of an ecosystem.

Does an ecosystem include both living and non living things?

yes, ecosystems have abiotic components[non-living]as well as biotic components,Therefore they do contain nonliving things or else an ecosystem is not formed.

How are the ecosystem classified?

ecosystem can be classified into biotic and non biotic... biotic means living components whereas abiotic means non living components

What is the largest ecosystem units?

An ecosystem is the place where living & non-living components interact & support each Biosphere is the largest ecosystem...& an aquarium may represents a small ecosystem

What is a community of living and non living components in an environment?

living things is only in the living things which means is the community.

What term defines the non living components of an ecosystem such as climate water?

Abiotic - The nonlinving components of an ecosistem or enviroment are the abiotic factors, this are nonliving chemicals and physical factors in the environment that affect the ecosystems.The non-living components of an ecosystem are known as abiotic.

What are the nonliving component of an ecosystem or environment?

The non-living components of an ecosystem are: rocks, sand, water, air and soil.

What are examples of biotic?

Biotic is one of two components in an ecosystem. Biotic factors are living things in an ecosystem such as animals