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There are an amazing number of living animals, plants and bacteria in the ocean.


- mammals such as whales, porpoises, walruses, seals and sea otters.

- fish such as shark, tuna, salmon, cod, eel, flounder, sole, carp, herring and sardines.

- many different kinds of invertebrates such as octopus, jellyfish, starfish, corals, sponges, anemones, sea worms, snails, barnacles, lobsters, shrimp, crabs, scallops, clams and oysters.

- zooplankton, the animal part of the drifting, floating plankton, composed of millions of tiny animals such as krill, fish larvae, juvenile octopus, eggs and single celled creatures.

PLANTS and other photosynthetic organisms:

- flowering seagrass such as turtle grass, surf grass and eelgrass.

- seaweed (algae) such as kelp (brown algae), Irish Moss or carrageenan (red algae) and sea lettuce (green algae).

- phytoplankton, millions of tiny or single-celled organisms such as diatoms and dinoflagellates, the part of the plankton that uses photosynthesis to support the food web of the ocean community.

BACTERIA live in all parts of the ocean, from the floating plankton down to the sediment on the sea floor. Some specialized bacteria can even produce organic material from the hydrogen sulfide around hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean, making life possible where there is no sunlight.

The most astonishing fact: most of the living things in the ocean are so small we can't even see them without a microscope, yet they are the plankton, the base of the entire food web of the ocean.

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Q: What are the living things that coexist in an ocean ecosystem?
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you're kidding.