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The Southern Alps

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Q: What are the long chain of mountains in the centre of the south island in New Zealand named?
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What are the chain of mountains that run nearly the whole length of the south island of new zealand?

The Southern Alps is the name you seek. It starts in Fiordland in the south, and finishes in Nelson Province in the north.

What island chain is guadalcanal part of?

Guadalcanal is part of the Solomon Island chain. It was discovered by Alvaro de Mendana, a Spanish explorer, in 1568.

Chain of mountains?

See "Mountain chain" for answer

What mountain chain is the southernmost mountain chain in the world?

The Transantarctic Mountains are the southernmost mountains in the world

Name of Mountain chain with 10 tallest mountains in the world?

That would be the Himalayan chain of mountains.

What chain of mountains are the Great Smoky Mountains part of?

The Appalachian Mountains.

What is Aleutian- type mountains?

A chain of volcanic mountains

Which mountain chain in the US has the highest mountains the Rocky Mountains or the Appalachian Mountains?

The Rockies!

A string of mountains is called a chain?

Yes, a string of mountains is commonly referred to as a mountain range or a mountain chain. These terms are used to describe a series of mountains that are connected together along a continuous line.

How was Five Islands formed?

The Hawaiian Island Chain (consisting of 19 islands and atolls) are actually to tops sea-mountains known as the Hawaiian Ridge. It was form over thousands of years by volcanic activity over a "hotspot" in the Earth's mantle. Movement of the tectonic plates have moved the island chain slowly in a north by northwest direction, thus creating more islands (read mountains).

What plate boundary is Haleakala on?

Kilauea is located in the centre of a crustal plate (the pacific plate) away from any plate boundaries. The Hawaiian island chain exists due to the presence of a hotspot (potentially caused by a mantle plume) under the centre of this plate causing volcanism.

What is a row or chain of mountains called?

A row or chain of mountains is called a mountain range.