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What's bad about it? Knowing what it feels like to be touched by the hand of god, and having to live life without the drug, yet you remember how it made you feel. And it was the best feeling you ever had in your whole, entire life.

See, it's nothing immediate that will happen, but it's what will happen to your psyche. You'll start to seriously begin screwing up, because you'll put 85% of your effort into making sure you never run outta dope...and that, will put you behind bars, because to get cocaine cheap, it involves risky business.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The initial effects of sniffing (snorting) cocaine are euphoria, increased energy and excitment, faster heartbeat, decreased appetite, and increased sexual desire, often accompanied by severely decreased ability to do anything about it.

The eventual effect of continued use is invariably addiction.

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10y ago

Long-Term effects of just a single dose of cocaine use cause the individual user to process the same emotional state of being that they were under during the initial first use of cocaine. There is no way of reversing what cocaine does and ultimately, since it's first uses by human beings it is always the sub-conscious who decides how to alocate the psychology associated with a drug which is so hard to handle. Since the sub-conscious is completly locked up insidoe of itself naturally it would want the conscious being to have some amount of psychology what better time than when one experiements with a harsh drug such as cocaine. naturally the psychology attained after the initial use of cocaine which one does not reliaze untill up to four years after using cocaine causes someone to be able to know exactly how a (_insert year when first used cocaine_) think, since naturally psychology is an exact science one has ultimately their entier lives to know how an individual in a prticular age think and behaves.

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14y ago

if your thinkin about drinkin cocaine you are a mental retard. The consumption of just a half g to a gram can be fatal. You'll go into convulsions and your heart will stop

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15y ago

Coke addiction, hurts you nasal passage, does damage to your brain. Paranoia as well.

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14y ago
  • It is illegal to possess and/or use cocaine
  • You could get various cancers and diseases from the use of cocaine
  • It is dangerously addictive and could ruin your life
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Q: What are the long term effects of snorting cocaine?
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Long-term effects of cocaine?

unstable stomach elegiacal

What are the long term side effects of cocaine?

Loss of touch with reality, extreme paranoia

Does cocaine have any long term effects?

yes, mentally speaking and nerve irregularities

Crack cocains long term effects?

The long term effects of crack cocaine can include personality disorders, mental disorders, and heart problems. It can also cause death.

What is cocaine and how it can affect you?

cocaine is a is a dangerous drug. It can affect you by making you do crazy things because it can mix up your brain and if you have too much too often, it can kill you. Also, it can make your nose collapse by destroying the cartilage.

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What is the difference between a short term and a long term effect of the use of cocaine?

bad gas, diarrhea, and weight gain are some effects for using drugs.

What are long term effects of cocaine?

Cocaine effects are extremely detrimental on the body and the consequences related to cocaine effects can eventually lead to permanent damage, addiction and death. While each person who uses this drug reacts to it differently, there are two distinct categories of cocaine effects: short-term effects and long-term effects. Even if a person has only used cocaine once, he/she can experience short-term cocaine effects. Long-term cocaine effects appear after increased periods of use and are dependent upon the duration of time and amount of cocaine that has been consumed.

What are some long term signs of crack cocaine use?

In general some long term signs of crack cocaine use is a twitch like action that occurs randomly, another general sign is the gums and teeth if it was being smoked. Crack cocaine causes multiple effects which can mostly be classified as brain damage.

Is cocaine worse than dmt?

There are no known negative physical side effects of long term dmt use, cocaine a very different story. That aside, why the comparison of two compounds so vastly different?

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the long-term effects of SSRIs are unknown

What are 3 long term effects of cocaine?

1. extreme poverty 2. brain rot and loss of friends and family 3. usually jail time