

Best Answer

Snowfall, strong winds, and permafrost!!! -haine-chan <3 Snowfall, strong winds, and permafrost!!! -haine-chan <3

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Q: What are 2 abiotic factors that affect life in the Arctic?
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What is the role played by abiotic factors in sustaining life?

The role played by abiotic factors are pretty simple; In ecology and biology, abiotic factors are non living chemical and physical factors available naturally in the environment which affect the ecosystems. Abiotic factors are aspects of geodiversity. They can also be recognized as " abiotic pathogens"

What abiotic factors affect fish the most?

Well abiotic means without life, so that would be.. the water's temperature, the substances in it..

Is temperasture considered a biotic or abiotic factor?

Abiotic. Biotic factors are related to life, hence "bio"-tic. Abiotic factors are unrelated to life, hence "abio"-tic.

Do abiotic factors affect biotic factors?

Abiotic directly affect biotic factors through certain processes like temperature which is abiotic that helps plants produce food which is biotic. Also, the weather of a place which is abiotic greatly affects biotic things that are living in the same area.

Why does biotic and abiotic affect environment?

no we pretty much need living organisms to live ourselfs we need the oxygen from the trees so we can breath it in! no we pretty much need living organisms to live ourselfs we need the oxygen from the trees so we can breath it in!

Which can live without the other Biotic Factors or Abiotic Factors?

The money in your life

What are the abiotic factors that affect plants?

The availability of water, the temperature and humidity, the angle of sunlight, the amount of clouds, and the minerals and organic composition of the soil are all major abiotic factors that affect plant life.

What is example of abiotic?

factors that are not living does not preform life processes

How does the temperature in the Arctic affect the quality of life in the Arctic?


What are the terms of the biotic factors and the abiotic factors?

It is produced by life,even though its no alive.

How are biotic factors similar to abiotic factors?

biotic: the living component of the environment or include all of the living thing that affect the organism. abitic : the non living factor or are the physical and chemical characteristic of the enviroment

Do biotic and abiotic affect each other?

The abiotic and biotic factors can work together to reduce or extend the life of an individual. They can also work together to influence a particular population so that certain behavioral patterns are affected.