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Symptoms of conjunctivitis include red, itchy eyes, that may water or produce a discharge. Whole body symptoms can include diarrhea and fatigue.

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Q: What are the main basic symptoms of conjunctivitis?
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Related questions

What would be some symptoms of Conjunctivitis?

Some symptoms of conjunctivitis may be redness in the white of the eye, increased amount of tears, itchy or burning eyes, or blurred vision. If you have any symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider.

What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis caused by environmental hazards?

Symptoms range from itching and redness to a mucous discharge.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis?

red, itchy eyes, usually crusted over in the morning

What has the symptoms of redness pain and occasional discharge casued by an ifectious microbe?

conjunctivitis. (pink eye)

Are there different strains of conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis can be acute or chronic depending upon how long the condition lasts, the severity of symptoms, and the type of organism or agent involved. It can also affect one or both eyes

What nerve agent is responsible for these symptoms - fever headache sore throat diarrhea conjunctivitis inflamed lymph nodes?

It is Sarin

What are the symptoms of orbital and periorbital cellulitis?

People with periorbital cellulitis will have swollen, painful lids and redness, but probably no fever. About one child in five has a runny nose, and 20% have conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis, also called pinkeye, is an inflammation of the mucous.

How is conjunctivitis diagnosed?

when symptoms began, how long the condition has been going on, the symptoms experienced, and other predisposing factors. Diagnostic tests may include an eye examination, culture, or laboratory test.

Is bacterial conjunctivitis similar to viral conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or a virus, if treated properly, is usually resolved in 10-14 days. If there is no relief of symptoms in 48-72 hours, or there is moderate to severe eye pain, changes in vision, or the conjunctivitis is suspected

Is pink eye a virus?

"pink eye" is a common term for conjunctivitis. This condition has many causes, including some viruses. Viral conjunctivitis has a incubation period of between 12 hours and 3 days, and does not appear to remain latent after symptoms are resolved.

What are the symptoms of inclusion conjunctivitis?

In adult inclusion conjunctivitis, one eye is usually involved, with a stringy discharge of mucus and pus. There may be little bumps called follicles inside the lower eyelid and the eye is red. Occasionally, the condition damages the cornea.

What are the symptoms of swimming pool syndrome?

The answer is varied. Some symptoms are similar to those of cold symptoms, cough irritated throat, red, sore throat, irritated, red eyes, conjunctivitis. Other symptoms are eczema, skin rash, psoriasis. Problem is with the pH of the pool and the chlorine.